
How do I know if I have what it takes to be a Marine?

How do I know if I have what it takes to be a Marine?

Eligibility Requirements To enlist as a Marine, you must obtain your high school diploma and be a legal U.S. resident between 17 and 28. To commission as a Marine Officer, you must be a United States citizen between 20 and 28 and have obtained both a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree.

Will the Marines take you even if you don’t meet the weight and height requirements?

The Marine Corps has strict height and weight standards. However, it is considered acceptable not to meet the height and weight standards as long as you meet the service’s body fat standards.

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How do you tell your parents you want to join the Marines?

The best way to tell you parents you are joining the military is to have a plan. Be prepared to answer questions and have an honest talk with your parents. It is important to tell you parents WHY you want to join the military and how it can benefit you. Invite them to talk to your recruiter to ease their mind.

Is it normal to be nervous about joining the military?

Second, you should know that this feeling is natural. To help you through the process, keep in mind the following: Anxiety about leaving home and joining the Army is completely normal. This is manifesting itself with the form of a scale for you.

How do I join the Marines at 17?

HOW OLD DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO BECOME A MARINE? You must be 17 years old to contact a Marine Recruiter and enlist in the Marine Corps. If you meet those requirements, please contact a local recruiter by requesting more information. You will also receive information in the mail about the Marine Corps.

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How tall do I have to be to be a Marine?

58-78 inches
US Marine Corps height and weight requirements In the case of the Marines, the height requirement is slightly narrower and it changes slightly from time to time. As of 2020, the height requirement is 58-78 inches (147-198 centimeters) for men and 58-72 inches (147-183 centimeters) for women.

Can you go to Marine Corps boot camp at 17?

No, you must be at least 17 years old to enlist in the Marine Corps.

How do you convince parents to let you join military?

If your parents don’t want you to join the military,ask them why,I would listen to them,ask myself am I prepared for this,make a decision. If they don’t like your decision then you can tell them that this is my life and I want what I want and then do what it is you want to do.