
How do you ask relevant questions?

How do you ask relevant questions?

Ten Tips for Asking Good Questions

  1. Plan your questions.
  2. Know your purpose.
  3. Open conversation.
  4. Speak your listener’s language.
  5. Use neutral wording.
  6. Follow general questions with specific ones.
  7. Focus your questions so they ask one thing at a time.
  8. Ask only essential questions.

How do I ask a question on Quora?

Whether it is web or mobile you can ask a question from your Quora Home page, you just need to click on “What is your question?” prompt above your feed and start typing your question. Once you’ve asked your question, Quora will distribute your question to writers and notify you about new answers.

What makes a question relevant?

Relevant A good question is relevant. It focuses on recall of only the material covered in your lesson and aligns well with the overall learning objectives. If you ask ‘What are the branches of soil science?

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How do you get questions to answer on Quora?

You can find your questions in your Profile page. When you are in your profile page, on the left hand side you will find a list of options. From there select questions and it will show the questions you have asked. Originally Answered: Where can I get questions for Quora?

Why is asking relevant questions important?

Here’s why asking questions is important: It helps you uncover the challenges you’re facing and generate better solutions to solve those problems. If you’re asking a question, you’re not rushing in to provide the answer, give the solution, or take on the challenge.

How do you ask a technical question?

Asking Technical Questions

  1. Try to find the answer.
  2. Prepare your question.
  3. Summarize carefully.
  4. Focus your question.
  5. Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language.
  6. Use plain text as much as possible.
  7. For tech support, skip Piazza altogether.
  8. Don’t rush to claim that you have found an error.
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What are most asked questions Quora?

Quora is one of the best Question and Answer website….Here are some of the most popular topics on Quora, according to views:

  • Is there a cure for cancer?
  • Is it possible to avoid getting old?
  • What is time travel?

How do you ask a technical question on a forum?

The fundamentals of asking the right question

  1. Choose a good title: It should be brief and precise.
  2. Avoid asking multiple questions in the same post: In general, people tend to answer only one question at a time.
  3. Give some context: Describe why you are having that problem, not only the specific details of the problem.

How do I answer Quora questions effectively?

* Use Quora search to find the right questions. Look at the related questions and refine your keyword combinations until to you find the right question. * If you don’t find a suitable question, ask it yourself and answer it. Quora appreciates this. * Follow topics that you want to answer.

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How do I request that someone answer a question?

You can request that they answer the question using the “Request” button: The person you requested an answer from will get notified of your request, and is then free to decide if they will answer or not. No one is required to respond to an “A2A” request.

What should I look for when answering a question?

Here are a few critical factors you should look for when answering questions: Relevant keywords. These keywords can be your company name, competitors, or something having to do with your product or service. Make sure the keyword (s) appear in the question itself.

How do I ask a question anonymously on Quora?

Tip! If you prefer to ask a question anonymously, click the “visibility” setting at the bottom of the text box. You can select “Anonymous.” Once you have added the question, click the link that reads “Make Anonymous” in the “add answer” section.