
How do you balance divine and divine feminine masculine?

How do you balance divine and divine feminine masculine?


  1. Yoga. One of the primary goals of yoga is to bridge the gap between the masculine and feminine.
  2. Meditation.
  3. Laughter.
  4. Let yourself be in a relationship. This is a great way to practice surrender and openness.
  5. Always have something to be excited about.
  6. Get into nature.
  7. Practice intuitive writing.

How do you express the divine feminine?

9 ways to connect to your divine feminine.

  1. Reclaim rest.
  2. Embrace your sensuality.
  3. Journal.
  4. Practice self-love.
  5. Get in touch with your dreams.
  6. Incorporate more yin energy in your space.
  7. Prioritize “me-time.”
  8. Tap into your intuition.

How do you connect with divine masculine?

9 Ways to Awaken the Divine Masculine Within You

  1. Examine your wounds surrounding the Masculine.
  2. Take self-responsibility.
  3. Contact your inner Father.
  4. Deconstruct your conditioning.
  5. Find a masculine teacher/guide/figure you admire.
  6. Connect with your inner Warrior.
  7. Be assertive and stick up for yourself.
  8. Stand in a confident way.
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What are signs of masculine energy?

10 SIGNS That You Have an Excess of Masculine Energy You anger easily or people often tell you that you look mad. You often speak loudly, harshly or use a lot of profanity. You are an over-doer, and are in perpetual, busy-ness mode. There’s a lot of do-ing activity in your life that keeps you constantly on the go.

What is masculine energy in a woman?

Masculine Energy- FIRE Masculine energy It’s all about taking action; loves to build; and, loves to fix things. Masculine sees a problem and immediately wants to fix it. It’s protective. Most women are looking for a partner to protect them, they want to feel safe, and they are looking for the energy of protection.

How do you radiate divine feminine energy?

15 Ways to Radiate Divine Feminine Energy

  1. Rest. When we push through, experience sleep deprivation, or reach burn out, we’re dreadfully out of balance.
  2. Get out into nature.
  3. Take a detour.
  4. Give other women a boost.
  5. Wear skirts.
  6. Put on red lipstick to radiate feminine energy.
  7. Do something spontaneous.
  8. Indulge!
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How do you overcome karmic debt?

To alleviate karmic debt, you must atone for your mistakes in this lifetime. The more you acknowledge and address your karma, the less likely you will be to repeat these destructive patterns in subsequent lifetimes. Clearing karmic debt will improve your karma moving forward.

What is masculine energy in a relationship?

People with masculine energy tend to be strong, mission-driven problem-solvers seeking release from the restraints of life. They are competitive and can have trouble communicating emotions – yet they want to feel appreciated in relationships.