
How do you co parent with a bipolar ex?

How do you co parent with a bipolar ex?

Co-Parenting with a Former Spouse with Mental Illness

  1. Educate Yourselves and Your Children (age appropriately)
  2. Model Strategies for Coping with Problematic Symptoms for Your Children.
  3. Separate the Person from the Illness.
  4. Establish and Maintain Strong Boundaries.

What makes a mother unfit in the eyes of the court UK?

What exactly is an unfit parent? The legal definition of an unfit parent is when the parent through their conduct fails to provide proper guidance, care, or support. Also, if there is abuse, neglect, or substance abuse issues, that parent will be deemed unfit.

Can bipolar mother lose custody?

A diagnosis alone cannot cause you to lose custody of your child. Plenty of adults with mental health issues can be safe and attentive parents. For example, if a parent is managing their bipolar symptoms in therapy and has no history of abusive behavior, then a judge is unlikely to deny them custody.

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Can a father get full custody UK?

Historically the courts favoured awarding custody to mothers. However with changing times fathers are also able to apply for custody and can even obtain full custody if they can prove that it is in the welfare and best interests of the child for them to have custody.

What is it like growing up with a bipolar parent?

It’s not surprising that studies point to children of parents with bipolar disorder being more susceptible to psychosocial problems such as risky sexual behavior, substance abuse, aggressive behavior and risk of suicide.

What is classed as an unfit mother UK?

To prove your ex is an unfit parent you can use evidence of: A history of drug or alcohol abuse. A history of domestic abuse; either physical or emotional. A history of mental illness that could incapacitate the parent to care for the children adequately.