
How do you do a discussion forum on Facebook?

How do you do a discussion forum on Facebook?

Add A Discussions Tab To Your Facebook Page With Facebook Forum

  1. Choose the page you want to add the application to.
  2. Now the tab is installed click on ‘new topic’ to start a discussion.
  3. Once you have done this you can create a topic and description, you also have the option of posting as yourself or a page.

How do I create an online discussion forum?

How to Create a Forum Website

  1. Pick a location to host your forum.
  2. Choose a software to create your forum website.
  3. Organize your forum’s structure.
  4. Design your forum’s theme.
  5. Create user rules for your forum website.
  6. Start conversations with interesting discussion topics.
  7. Publish your forum on your website.
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How do discussion forums work?

Ask students to post their writing to a discussion forum and have other students read and reply to it. (This usually works best when each student reads the entry above and below their own, so everyone receives feedback.)

What did you learn from online discussion?

Discussion boards help to create a social presence in an online course along with a sense of community. Presence and community, in turn, can foster emotional connections. They also improve student learning and can create greater feelings of satisfaction with the course.

How can students discuss online discussions?

Online Discussions: Tips for Students

  1. Develop a thesis, argument, or question.
  2. Use keywords in your title.
  3. Encourage discussion.
  4. Make postings short, clear, and purposeful.
  5. Your stance need not be forever.
  6. Other practical considerations for discussion board postings.
  7. Make the context clear.
  8. Add value to the conversation.

What is a Facebook discussion?

A discussion is a conversation that you can have with other members of Facebook. Discussions often take place in Facebook groups, but they are not required or exclusive only to groups. Then other individuals can comment on that post and essentially start a conversation on that topic.

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What are Internet discussion groups?

Usenet newsgroups are Internet discussion groups on just about any topic you can imagine. There are more than 50,000 newsgroups, and more are added all the time. The first way students and scientists using ARPANet (early version of the Internet) started sharing their interests and hobbies was to create newsgroups.

What is discussion forum and threaded discussion?

A Discussion Forum gives you an opportunity to participate in virtual conversations at any time and any location. Threaded discussions refer to online postings on a specific topic. In an online course, you professor may have weekly discussion assignments. Each week, there are questions for students to answer.

What is online discussion board?

Online discussion board is a common place in which participants of an online class can post and read messages. Learn more in: Multiple Intelligences. 3. A website offering participants to take part in debates on specific themes.

What is the Forum website?

A Web forum is a website or section of a website that allows visitors to communicate with each other by posting messages. Most forums allow anonymous visitors to view forum postings, but require you to create an account in order to post messages in the forum.