
How do you do architectural site analysis?

How do you do architectural site analysis?

Presenting your Site Analysis

  1. Give an overview of the site and the information you have found.
  2. Show some of the key photographs of the site.
  3. Give more detail about the elements of your site analysis that you feel will be important in your design process.
  4. Make sure you include images.

How do you analyze an architectural project?

How to Analyze Architecture — questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is the Building Built for?
  2. Materials and Facade. What materials are they using?
  3. More on its Usefulness.
  4. What’s the Surrounding Area Like?
  5. Light.
  6. Human Movement.
  7. Get Inside and Play with the Thing.

What should be included in site analysis?

The following elements typically are considered in most sites:

  • Location. The site should be related to major streets or landmarks previously existing.
  • Neighborhood context.
  • Site and zoning.
  • Legal.
  • Natural physical features.
  • Man made features.
  • Circulation.
  • Utilities.
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What is design analysis architecture?

Design analysis is the systematic process of developing a design including all information discovery, planning and communications. This can be applied to any type of design including the design of physical things such as buildings and intangible things such as software, information and processes.

How do you do a site analysis presentation?

What to present

  1. Summary. A general overview of weather patterns, access, context etc.
  2. Important aspects. Views, restraints, existing conditions, key features.
  3. Photographs. Images of important and relevant areas (only)
  4. Detail. Key areas you wish to address and that influenced your design process.
  5. Design intent.

What is architecture analysis?

Architectural analysis is the activity of discovering important system properties using the system’s architectural model. It can include satisfaction of system requirements-both functional and non-functional, evaluation of opportunities for reusing existing functionalities etc.

How do you create a design analysis?

How to Write an Analysis & Design Document for a Software

  1. Evaluate the request by first looking at the bigger picture.
  2. Define project scope and constraints.
  3. Look at the end-user.
  4. Determine feasibility and present recommendations.
  5. Develop a data flow diagram and process description.
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How do you explain site analysis?

Site analysis is a predesign research activity which focuses on existing and potential conditions on and around the building site. It is an inventory of the site factors and forces, and how they coexist and interact.

What is micro site analysis?

The macro site includes the surrounding suburbs of the proposed site. Movement and context are aspects that will be studied within this area. The micro site will be an in-depth study of the proposed project site and its immediate context.

How do you write a project analysis and design?

What is archarchitectural site analysis?

Architectural site analysis, is the process of evaluating a particular locations physical, mental and social characteristics with the ambition of developing an architectural solution that will both address and enhance its internal and external context.

What is a site analysis and why do I need one?

Prior to starting any design, your client will want to know whether construction on the site is viable. Carrying out an extensive site analysis [or context analysis] will assess wether development is financially feasible, and establish parameters to implement the best design that responds to the physical and environmental features of the site.

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What is a site analysis “desktop study”?

…this is typically carried out whilst sat at a desk and so hence the name …a (site analysis) “desktop study”. Whilst making you aware of the location you are about to visit, a site analysis desktop study will also help to highlight the key and most important areas that will need further physical study once there.

How to analyze the site before building a project?

An already existing site is taken, is analyzed and the kind of project to be proposed on that particular site is decided. When analyzing the site, we also have to consider the impact of the structure on the surrounding environment. If the proposed structure would have any negative impact on the environment.