
How do you explain I think therefore I am?

How do you explain I think therefore I am?

“I think; therefore I am” was the end of the search Descartes conducted for a statement that could not be doubted. He found that he could not doubt that he himself existed, as he was the one doing the doubting in the first place. In Latin (the language in which Descartes wrote), the phrase is “Cogito, ergo sum.”

Which thesis is described as an act of self consciousness as a source of knowledge?

Kant’s second major thesis is, Most ordinary representations generated by most ordinary acts of synthesis provide the representational base of consciousness of oneself and one’s states.

What is the difference between abstract and concrete examples?

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Explanation: A concrete example is an example that can be touched or sensed as opposed to an abstract example which can’t be. Let’s say that I’m trying to describe addition. An abstract example of addition is something like this:

What is an example of a concrete example?

A concrete example is an example that can be touched or sensed as opposed to an abstract example which can’t be. Let’s say that I’m trying to describe addition. An abstract example of addition is something like this: When we add, we’re taking the value of one set and increasing it by the value of another set to achieve a sum.

How do you write a personal statement to an admissions tutor?

Write it in the form of a letter, starting with ‘Dear Sir / Madam’ and ending with ‘Thank you for reading my statement, your sincerely’. Tips when writing your personal statement Plan your statement carefully. Make a list of points you feel will be of interest to the Admissions Tutor.

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Is there a right way to write a personal statement?

There are no ‘right’ ways to writing your personal statement, but there are many ‘wrong’ ways of doing it. On this page you will not only find everything you need to know about putting together a professional personal statement, but will also have access to dozens of expertly written ones.