
How do you find the product of first n natural numbers?

How do you find the product of first n natural numbers?

Efficient Approach: We know that the sum and product of first N naturals are sum = (N * (N + 1)) / 2 and product = N!

What is an algorithm write an algorithm for addition of two numbers?

1) Declare variable ( Two variable to store the number input by the user and one variable is used to store the output). 2) Take the input of two numbers. 3) Apply the formula for addition. 4) Add two numbers.

How do you find the product of n terms?

The product of n numbers can only be found by multiplying the n natural numbers. There is no formula for that. If you have tables for factorials of numbers you could find the value, that is product of n consecutive natural numbers from 1 to n by looking up for n.

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How do you find the product of n integers?

The product of the integers will be (A+n-1)! / (A-1)! For example, if the integers are 5, 6, 7, their product is 210. A=5 and n=3. A+n-1 = 7.

What is algorithm and flowchart example?

A flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. Programmers often use it as a program-planning tool to solve a problem….Flowchart:

S.NO Algorithm Flowchart
3. In algorithm plain text are used. In flowchart, symbols/shapes are used.
4. Algorithm is easy to debug. Flowchart it is hard to debug.

What is flowchart and algorithm?

Algorithm is step by step procedure to solve the problem. Flowchart is a diagram created by different shapes to show the flow of data. 2. Algorithm is complex to understand. Flowchart is easy to understand.

How to create a flowchart effectively?

To efficiently create a flowchart, it is best to start work from the flowchart examples. Now we present some flowchart examples for proper understanding of this technique. Draw a flowchart to find the sum of the first 50 natural numbers. Answer: The required flowchart is given in Fig. 1.

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What is the difference between an algorithm and a flowchart?

Algorithms and flowcharts are two different ways of presenting the process of solving a problem. Algorithms consist of steps for solving a particular problem, while in flowcharts, those steps are usually displayed in shapes and process boxes with arrows. So flowcharts can be used for presenting algorithms.

How do you present an algorithm?

Algorithms can be presented by natural languages, pseudocode, and flowcharts, etc. A flowchart is the graphical or pictorial representation of an algorithm with the help of different symbols, shapes, and arrows to demonstrate a process or a program.

What are the most common symbols in a flowchart?

Some of the most standard symbols include shapes like a rectangle representing an operation, a parallelogram showing input and output of data, a cylinder indicating the start/end, while a diamond represents a decision. Read more about flowchart symbols .