
How do you print strings with spaces?

How do you print strings with spaces?

Program Explanation Get a String using fgets() function. Str -> reads the string and stores it in str. 50 -> reads maximum of 50 characters stdin-> reads character from keyboard using for loop print all characters one by one. “\%c ” in printf prints character with space.

Can scanf read space?

scanf treats space as the end of the string. So it stops reading once it encounters a space character.

How do you read a space in a char array?

You declare an array of chars – holds 30 chars. Using cin. getline – You read the entire line entered including whitespace. (name, 29) = “name” is where you want the chars stored and “29” is the maximum number allowed to be read.

How do I print space between words in C?

Format Specifier “\%d \%d” reads two integers. printf is a function available(pre defined) in C library which is used to print the specified content in Monitor. Here it prints the value of the variable num1 and num2. Format Specifier “\%d \%d” prints value of num1 and num2 with space.

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How do you print a sentence with spaces in C?

1) Read string with spaces by using “\%[^\n]” format specifier. The format specifier “\%[^\n]” tells to the compiler that read the characters until “\n” is not found. See the output, now program is able to read complete string with white space.

How do you write a string with spaces in C++?

If you need to input a string with whitespace characters (or strings with blank spaces as you call it) until a newline character is encountered, set the delimiter to ‘\n’ character by using: scanf(” \%[^\n]s”,str);

How do you read a space in a string C++?

In this case, string will be terminated as spaces found, this only “Vanka” will be stored in variable name. Now, how to read string with spaces in C++? We can use a function getline(), that enable to read string until enter (return key) not found.

How do you put a space in a character in C++?

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Other problems

  1. Use instead of .
  2. Use * instead of .
  3. Use int main() instead of void main() .
  4. Use indentation instead of left-justifying.
  5. Use ch == ‘ ‘ instead of ch == 32 .
  6. Use isupper(ch) instead of ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 .
  7. Use islower(ch) instead of ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 .

How do you put spaces between words in a spaceless string?

Following are the steps in the recursive method:

  1. Make a sorted dictionary of the possible substrings.
  2. Sort the dictionary descending by length (Implementing the 2.
  3. If the sorted dictionary is empty then return the input string and mark it as nonsense.
  4. Iterate through all the entries in the sorted dictionary.

How do I get the last name of a string?

Split the string with a limit on the number of substrings to return. This will keep anything after the first space together as the last name: string[] names = Names.ToString().Trim().Split(new char[]{‘ ‘}, 2); Then check the length of the array to handle the case of only the lastname:

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How do I read a string with spaces in C?

Another way to read string with spaces in C. Using fgets() fgets() function requires three parameters. char *s – character pointer (in which string will be stored) int n – maximum number of character of the string. FILE *stream – a pointer of file stream, we can use “stdin”.

How do you read a string in C with scanf?

Read string in C using scanf () In C language, the scanf () function is used to read primitive type data. The string is also the group of characters, so it also can be used to read the string. There are several ways and limitations for using the scanf () function to read the string.

How to read a string in C using fgets() function?

The fgets () function can get input from a file or standard input. The fgets () function requires two additional parameters: one specifying the array size that is available to receive the data, and the other a stream. It can be used with the keyword by specifying the stdin. The most preferred function to read a string in C is fgets () function.