
How do you report military misconduct?

How do you report military misconduct?

Complaints of fraud, waste and abuse in the Department of Defense or any military service can be reported separately through a hotline that has been set up. Complaints can be called in Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm EST, at 1-800-424-9098. You can also email your complaint.

How do I report military infidelity?

You may also contact your chain of command or law enforcement (military or civilian), however if you do, an investigation will occur and you will not have the option of making a Restricted Report. You can also contact the Military One Source Hotline, 24-hours-a-day at 800-342-9647.

How do I report a chain of command?

Military members who feel they have been reprised against by a superior in their chain of command, may file a Military Whistleblower complaint with Department of Defense Inspector General or the Naval Inspector General.

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Is it illegal to discriminate against military spouses?

It’s important to note that military spouses are not a federally-protected class. There is nothing that makes not hiring a military spouse illegal and discriminating against someone because of their marital status is not a requirement in every state.

Can a military spouse file an IG complaint?

Any Army military or civilian member may file an IG complaint. Depending on the circumstances, the IG may also accept complaints from dependents or relatives of active duty members and retirees and their dependents.

What happens if a military spouse cheats?

The maximum punishment for adultery, defined in the Uniform Code of Military Justice as Extramarital Sexual Conduct is a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to a year.

Can you get in trouble for jumping chain of command?

The chain of command is the primary way the military maintains order and performs its duties in the most efficient way possible. If a service member behaves in a way that disrupts the chain of command, she could be reprimanded for insubordination.

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What is the chain of command?

The definition of a chain of command is an official hierarchy of authority that dictates who is in charge of whom and of whom permission must be asked. An example of chain of command is when an employee reports to a manager who reports to a senior manager who reports to the vice president who reports to the CEO.

Should I disclose my affair to my military spouse?

You should use this leverage with wisdom. Do not disclose the affair to your spouse’s command. Once you have done so, you lose most all of your leverage because your service member will endure the consequences, whether you want them or not, and whether you think they are serious enough or not.

What happens if you threaten your spouse in the military?

Also, threatening your spouse could result in him/her simply deciding to leave the military, which could reduce any entitlements you might have otherwise enjoyed after the divorce as a former spouse of a military member. Also keep in mind that your spouse could face prosecution in the military for an affair.

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What happens if your spouse is dishonorably discharged from the military?

Also keep in mind that your spouse could face prosecution in the military for an affair. If your spouse is dishonorably discharged and loses retirement, by disclosing the affair, you might be losing your own retirement that you would have received through him/her.

What to do if a witness is intimidated by the military?

In particular, witnesses who might be intimidated can be asked for statements before the command is aware of the complaint, and documents which may be destroyed should be copied before the complaint is made. Keep copies of everything. All formal methods of complaint also share the same drawback.