
How do you tell how many words per minute you can type?

How do you tell how many words per minute you can type?

To get the number of words you type, simply count all the typed entries and divide them into 5. For example, in 1 minute, you typed 200 characters, then your typing speed would be 40 WPM according to this formula: (200 characters / 5) / 1 min = 40 WPM.

Is typing 45 WPM good?

40–45 will be above average or a good typist. 45 – 50 will be considered fast by most average observers. 50–55 will be considered talented by most average typists. 55 -60 will be impressive for even the fast typists.

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Is typing 25 WPM good?

Most jobs do not explicitly require certain typing speeds, but that’s because basic typing skills are taken as a given. Thus, you should aim for a typing speed of at least 40 WPM to keep up a standard level of efficiency at work.

Is a typing speed of 50 wpm good?

50 wpm is considered by many to be a fine typing speed. There are, however, faster typists.

What is the average typing speed for a 13 year old?

Final Target

Age range Beginner Intermediate
6 to 11 years old 15 wpm (75 cpm) 80\% accuracy 25 wpm (125 cpm) 85\% accuracy
12 to 16 years old 30 wpm (150 cpm) 85\% accuracy 40 wpm (200 cpm) 90\% accuracy
17 years old and over 45 wpm (225 cpm) 90\% accuracy 55 wpm (275 cpm) 95\% accuracy

What is a good typing speed per minute?

around 40 words per minute
What is the average typing speed? The average typing speed is around 40 words per minute (wpm). If you want to be very productive, you should aim for a typing speed of 65 to 70 words per minute. It’s easy with the right technique!

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How can I test my typing speed online?

Test online your typing speed anytime for free. Our online WPM typing test allows you to track how many words per minute that you can type. Click the start button once you are ready to start and figure out exactly how many words per minute that you can type.

How does the WPM test calculate typing speed per minute?

WPM test calculates not only typing speed per minute but also focuses on the accuracy factor. You will know the number of words you type in a minute with the accuracy factor in mind. The result of the test is based on two factors.

How many words per minute is good for typing?

It also provides pro tips to become the fastest in typing, and it also helps you measure your wpm (word per minute) score or take the typing speed test. How many words per minute is good? The average person can type 35 to 40 words per minute. However, it is totally up to you how fast you can type!

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How are characters counted in typing speed calculation?

When typing speed is calculating, a word that contains five characters, such as “I love my computer, don’t you?” would be counted as 6 words, not just 5, for example, (30 characters / 5). In this example, except keys such as backspace or shift to work, all other characters are counted, including spaces, letters, numbers, and punctuation.