
How do you write a test case for login form?

How do you write a test case for login form?

How to Write Test Cases For a Login Page (Sample Scenarios)

  1. Write a test case on each form object.
  2. Written test cases should be a combination of both negative and positive test cases.
  3. Also, test cases should always be a combination of functional, performance, UI, usability, and compatibility test cases.

How can I test my Facebook account?

To create a test account go to and select Create New account. You will be given a Name, User ID, Login email, and Login password.

How do I write a test scenario for GMail app?

Test Cases for GMail – Compose Mail Functionality Verify that the user can type Subject line in the ‘Subject’ textbox. Verify that the user can type the email in the email-body section. Verify that users can format mail using editor-options provided like choosing font-family, font-size, bold-italic-underline, etc.

How do you write a negative case for a login page?

Negative Test Case Examples for a Login Page

  1. Blank user ID with blank password.
  2. Correct user ID with incorrect password.
  3. Incorrect user ID with correct password.
  4. Incorrect user ID with incorrect password.
  5. SQL injection in password.
  6. SQL injection in user ID.
  7. SQL injection in both fields.
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How do you write test scenarios on Facebook?

  1. Posting. Test Scenarios : ->Post a message. ->Delete a post. ->Post an Add. ->Post a Picture. ->Post a Photo. ->Tag people in your post.
  2. Add/ Delete Friend: Test senarios: -> Add a friend. -> Delete a friend. —————————————————– Test Cases : -> Add a friend:
  3. Inbox:

How do I write a test case for Gmail registration form?

Check the Email text field that has a random string instead of a real email. Check the Email text field that has @ symbol written in words. Check the Email text field that has a missing dot in the email address. 2….

  1. Enter phone number less than 10 digits.
  2. Enter all required fields.
  3. Click on Register Button.

How do you write test cases?

However, every test case can be broken down into 8 basic steps.

  1. Step 1: Test Case ID.
  2. Step 2: Test Description.
  3. Step 3: Assumptions and Pre-Conditions.
  4. Step 4: Test Data.
  5. Step 5: Steps to be Executed.
  6. Step 6: Expected Result.
  7. Step 7: Actual Result and Post-Conditions.
  8. Step 8: Pass/Fail.

How do I manually test a login page?

What are good ways to test a login page?

  1. check whether the login works with correct credentials.
  2. check that it doesn’t work with wrong credentials.
  3. check text field limits – whether the browser accepts more than the allowed database limits.
  4. check whether password text is hidden.
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How do you write test cases for email?

Test Cases For Email id Field validation

  1. Verify the field by entering the valid email address.
  2. Verify the field With Email contains dot in the address field.
  3. Verify With Email contains dot with subdomain.
  4. Verify the email id filed With Plus sign is considered valid character.

How do you run a test case manually?

To start a Test Plan Run execution, go to the Runs tab of a test plan view and click a Run button for a test plan run you want to execute. You will be automatically moved to a test plan run view and the next to execute test case run will be opened.

How do you write test cases for online shopping?

General Test Cases for Ecommerce Application

  1. Verify that the user is able to navigate through all the products across different categories.
  2. Verify that all the links and banners are redirecting to correct product/category pages and none of the links are broken.
  3. Verify that the company logo is clearly visible.

How do you write a test case manually?

What are the possible test cases for a login page?

Following is the possible list of functional and non-functional test cases for a login page: Verify if a user will be able to login with a valid username and valid password. Verify if a user cannot login with a valid username and an invalid password. Verify the login page for both, when the field is blank and Submit button is clicked.

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How do I test and verify my Facebook login flow?

It’s important to test and verify that your Facebook Login flow works well under a variety of conditions. To test your Login flow, first create a separate Facebook user account: Before you test each use case below, make sure you remove your app from your test user’s Facebook account using app settings.

How to check if an email is real or not?

• Check the Email text field that has a random string instead of a real email. • Check the Email text field that has @ symbol written in words. • Check the Email text field that has a missing dot in the email address. 1. Enter Invalid Emails

How do I verify the login screen?

Verify that cursor is focused on “Username” text box on the page load (login page) Verify that the login screen contains elements such as Username, Password, Sign in button, Remember password check box, Forgot password link, and Create an account link.