
How does fret size affect playability?

How does fret size affect playability?

Big frets = bigger tone, smaller frets equal more precise intonation. Ah, if it were just that easy; if there were only TWO fret sizes … big ones for those who want maximum tone, especially on single-string big bend solos, and small ones for those who want precise intonation.

What difference does fret size make?

Fret gauge might have a bigger impact on playing feel than on tone for many guitarists. Wider frets are often attributed a smoother, more buttery playing feel, which also makes it easier to bend strings. Ease of bending is also enhanced by taller frets, whether wide or narrow.

Are jumbo frets easier?

The main advantage of jumbo frets, is that when playing lead guitar runs, riffs and licks and solos, it is easier to bend the note by pushing the string towards the edge of the neck while fretting. Most frets classified as “jumbo” are both taller and wider than standard frets.

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Does fret size affect tone?

Bigger frets mean bigger tone, and that sounds like something we’d all want from our guitars. Fret size and shape can affect a great many aspects of your guitar’s sound and feel, so it’s worth looking at the bigger picture before jumping to any quick conclusions.

How big were Stevie Ray’s hands?

Some guitarists are legendary for their huge hands. Jimi Hendrix and Tal Farlow had tree trunks for fingers. Stevie Ray Vaughan had Popeye forearms, and each finger was about the size of two of mine taped together.

Did SRV float his trem?

Because Vaughan didn’t like the floating bridge, it was set flush with the body, to eliminate the sharp edge where the string contacts the metal. He used 5 springs on the vibrato system tightened almost all the way.

Do Les Pauls have wide necks?

The neck width impacts how easily you can stretch your hand out over the fretboard. The neck width at the nut of a typical Les Paul is 1.695 inches (43mm). The neck width at the nut of a typical Strat is 1.650 inches (42mm).

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What does fret size have to do with it?

Fret size has a great deal to do with the action of your guitar. Low frets put your fingertips right on the fingerboard with little room to squeeze the strings out of tune or to get under them for bending.

What size frets do I need for a 6130?

6130: Medium jumbo (.106″ x .036″). Which size you like is purely a matter of preference, although it can affect your playing style. If you like your fingers to actually touch the fingerboard when fretting the strings, frets that aren’t very tall like the 6130, 6150 or 6230 are for you.

Does fret size affect intonation on a guitar?

Jumbo frets on most guitars can be re-leveled once ,or maybe even twice before the guitar would have to be completely refretted. Believe it or not, fret size can also affect the intonation of your guitar. Lower and narrower frets can give better intonation than larger ones.

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How important is the fret wire on a guitar?

It’s easy to over look just how important the proper fret wire can be for any guitar or other stringed instrument. The frets serve as one of the main anchor points for the strings of your guitar. Because of this, the frets can have a huge impact on the feel, playability, and even the overall setup of your instrument.