
How does it feel to be door slammed by INFJ?

How does it feel to be door slammed by INFJ?

When an INFJ decides to slam the door on a relationship, their emotional state changes dramatically. They go from being sad, hurt, and disheartened, to being level-headed, rational, and even cold. This can be slightly disconcerting to people who are used to seeing their INFJ as warm and gentle.

Can you come back from an INFJ door slam?

This is no longer the mourning period, the INFJ has completely come to terms with what has happened. If the INFJ is still emotional or upset, than there is hope to resolve the relationship. Once the Door Slam has happened there is no going back.

How do you stop INFJ door slams?

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INFJs need to feel like their emotions are heard and respected. They need fairness and balance in their relationships, and they greatly value understanding and emotional intelligence. Treat an INFJ personality with respect and kindness, and the door will never be slammed.

Do INFJ give second chances?

INFJs definitely believe in giving second chances, and sometimes third and fourth chances. They are forgiving people who try hard to help others make the right choices and come to better conclusions. INFJs will definitely forgive others for their mistakes, especially if they are minor ones.

Why did INFJ door slam me?

INFJs slam the door when they have been deeply wounded. They slam the door when they can no longer tolerate a person’s toxicity. They do it to protect themselves from further hurt. If the door has been slammed on you, it’s because the INFJ saw no other way of stopping the emotional pain you were causing them.

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Why do INFJs go quiet?

An INFJ who appears quiet/shy/reserved usually appears that way when they either don’t know the people they are surrounded by or they don’t trust them. It’s usually because they are guarded until they are sure they can trust other people, which is often interpreted by others as being anything from shy to snobby.