
How does that make you feel Questions?

How does that make you feel Questions?

10 Alternative Ways To Ask “How Does That Make You Feel?” When you reflect on the occurrence, are you willing to share your current emotions? I sympathize with your pain; where are you right now in your process? Tell me more about that — referring to the situation causing distress.

How do you answer the question how do you feel?

Respond by saying, “Actually, I’ve been feeling…” or “You know, I have been feeling…” If you are feeling depressed or going through a tough time, you could also mention that so that your loved ones can help you. For example, you may respond, “Actually, I’ve been feeling a little down lately.

How do you answer how are you if you are not okay?

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Let’s talk about something pleasant” or “I’m hanging in. Thanks for asking. How are you doing?” If the person persists, offer, “Thanks for your concern but I’d really appreciate your respecting my privacy. Have a great day!”

What will you answer in how are you?

Now, when someone asks “How are you?” (or “How’s it going?” or “Wassup?”), the classic response is “I’m fine, thanks.”

How are you feeling vs How do you feel?

“How are you feeling today” – The word feeling implies that the person is able to change from feeling to feeling say in physical wellbeing after an injury or illness. “How do you feel today” – The word feel assumes the person is stuck in a feeling – How do you feel today about what happened yesterday?

How you feeling or how are you feeling?

“How are you feeling now?” is the present continuous tense – note the present participle ‘feeling’. “How do you feel now?”’ Suggests that the illness, the feeling of being unwell, has passed and the inference is “How do you feel NOW?” Whereas, “How ARE you FEELING?” suggests a continuation of the discomfort.

How you feeling meaning?

an inquiry into the state of someone’s health. Sally: How are you feeling? Bill: Oh, better, thanks.

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Why is it OK not to be OK?

It’s okay to feel negative emotions; those negative emotions balance out our positive ones. Having emotions and feelings makes you human. It’s okay not to be okay. You may say that you don’t see an end to your pain, but as I discovered, the only way out of your pain is through it.

What do you say to someone who is not okay?

You can say things like: “I can see you’re going through a tough time.” “It’s understandable to feel that way given everything you’ve been going through.” There are more examples of good phrases to use here.

Should you ask someone how they are feeling?

Don’t offer your interpretation of their situation, don’t tell them they should feel differently, and don’t ask them for a justification of their feelings. These are all potentially invalidating and can make a person feel like they aren’t really being heard. Summarize.

How do you respond to ‘Are you Okay?

Try these tips from a therapist next time you come face-to-face with “are you okay?” 1 1. Figure out the intent of the questioner. Who is the person asking? Is he or she someone you are close to, someone you believe truly cares about 2 2. Judge how answering the question will affect you. 3 3. Set Boundaries.

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Is it okay to say I don’t know about my feelings?

Remember that “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer. You may not be aware you’re having a feeling because you don’t tend to stop and check in with yourself. If the feelings question comes up, it’s a chance to do that. And maybe you’re having zero feelings in that moment.

Why is it important to know your feelings?

It can inform your future choices. Becoming aware of your feelings may help you feel less helpless. It may help you feel more in control. Perhaps best of all, knowing your feelings gives them less control over you. © Copyright 2018

Should I tell my counselor what my feelings are?

But if it’s making you angry, tell your counselor. That’s important information too. A common response to the feelings question is anxiety or, worse, a sense you’re doing something wrong if you’re not sure what the feeling is. Suddenly, it may feel like you’re being “quizzed” or tested.