
How the leakage flux in a transformer is represent?

How the leakage flux in a transformer is represent?

Leakage flux in a transformer is the fraction of primary flux that leaks out of the core before it can link through the secondary winding. Since primary leakage flux doesn’t link to the secondary, it’s completely independent of secondary current.

What is the effect of leakage flux to the regulation of a transformer?

This leakage flux does not link with both the windings, and hence it does not contribute to transfer of energy from primary winding to secondary winding. But, it produces self induced emf in each winding. Hence, leakage flux produces an effect equivalent to an inductive coil in series with each winding.

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What is leakage reactance in induction motor?

In a certain 3-phase induction motor, the leakage reactance is five times the resistance for both primary and secondary windings. The primary impedance is identical with the referred secondary impedance. The slip at full load is 3\%. It is desired to limit the starting current to three times the full-load current.

What is slot leakage inductance?

The slot leakage inductance is represented by the slot permeance factor λ depending on the slot dimensions ratio. The permeance factor is calculated by the assumptions and simplifications which will be presented in this paper.

What is the function of the leakage flux Mcq?

Explanation: Leakage flux is meant to to be loss as it does not link two windings.

What is leakage flux?

Leakage flux is essentially an wastage. When voltage is applied magnetic flux is produced in the primary winding. This magnetic flux travels through the core of a transformer and induce an emf in the secondary winding. Leakage flux is those which do not travel through the core all along but are primarily lost in air adjacent to the winding.

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Why does leakage flux not transfer energy from primary winding to secondary?

This leakage flux does not link with both the windings, and hence it does not contribute to transfer of energy from primary winding to secondary winding. But, it produces self induced emf in each winding. Hence, leakage flux produces an effect equivalent to an inductive coil in series with each winding.

What is the effect of load on leakage flux in transformer?

This φL2 is in time phase with I2 and produces a self-induced e.m.f eL2 in the secondary winding. The both leakage flux at primary and secondary fully depends on the load of the transformer. If load of transformer increase, leakage flux will simultaneously increase.

What is the reactive drop in primary winding and secondary winding?

Due to leakage reactance, the reactive drop should be added with the resistive drop at both windings.Therefore, The reactive drop in primary winding = I1X1 and the rective drop in secondary winding = I2X2.