
Is azan allowed in Canada?

Is azan allowed in Canada?

The Azaan is usually prohibited under city noise bylaws. But about 40 mosques in Edmonton, some in Calgary and at least one in Mississauga, Ont., have brought the tradition to Canada for the month of Ramadan. Muslims also mark Ramadan with almsgiving and spiritual reflection on compassion.

Are speakers Haram?

“Whether it’s a temple or a mosque, if you’re using loudspeakers during a festival, it’s fine. But it shouldn’t be used everyday in either temples or mosques. “For more than thousand years Azaan was given without the loud speaker. Azaan is the integral part of your faith, not this gadget,” he replied.

Can I have a girlfriend in Islam?

Yes haraam to have a girlfriend. Islam forbids a man to be alone with a non-mahram woman (one who is not his wife or a close relative) even if he is teaching her the Qur’aan, which is the Book of Allaah, That is because the Shaytaan (Satan) would come between them.

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What is the percentage of Islam in Indonesia?

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with approximately 225 million Muslims. In terms of denomination, absolute majority (99\%) adheres to Sunni Islam, while there are around one million Shias (0.5\%), who are concentrated around Jakarta, and about 400,000 Ahmadi Muslims (0.2\%).

Are there any mosques in Indonesia?

In fact, there are many areas in Indonesia where Muslim is the minority. For instance, there are very few mosques that you can find in Bali and Manado. In fact, I have only saw one mosque in Manado during my whole trip there.

What was the controversy surrounding the role of Islam in Indonesia?

Upon independence, there was significant controversy surrounding the role of Islam in politics, and this had caused enormous tensions. The contentions were mainly surrounding the position of Islam in the constitution of Indonesia.

Which religion is the most adhered to in Indonesia?

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Islam is the most adhered to religion in Indonesia, with 87.2\% of Indonesian population identifying themselves as Muslim in 2010 estimate. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with approximately 225 million Muslims.