
Is Bernie Taupin as wealthy as Elton John?

Is Bernie Taupin as wealthy as Elton John?

Bernie Taupin has a net worth of $200 million. Taupin is best known for his multi-decade collaboration with Elton John, for whom he wrote numerous songs.

Are Bernie Taupin and Elton John still friends?

The lyricist also spoke about his personal relationship with John and how they’ve been able to work together for so long. (At the time of the interview, they’d been together for nearly 50 years.) “We live such separate lives,” he said. John and Taupin are still on great terms today.

What is the split between Elton John and Bernie Taupin?

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Less than a decade in as a partnership, the pair would go their separate ways after the 1976 album Blue Moves. The split came at the time Taupin’s first marriage to Maxine Feibleman (1971-76) ended, and he says he checked himself into a clinic in order to clean up his life.

How do Elton and Bernie split royalties?

That means everyone will have a piece of a 100\% royalty pie. One industry practice says the music is worth 50\% (chords, melody, arrangement, etc.) and the lyrics are worth 50\%. Elton John and Bernie Taupin are good examples: Elton writes the music (50\%) and Bernie writes the lyrics (50\%).

Did Bernie Taupin wrote your song for Elton?

Elton John
Your Song/Composers

Who gets the royalties from Elton John songs?

The writers retain ownership and the remaining royalty payments, but the $39 million advance payment means that over the next 12 years the publishing company will deduct the John-Taupin portion of the royalties until the advance is paid off.

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Who owns Elton John songs?

Universal Music Group
Elton John has inked a deal that will keep the legend with Universal Music Group for the rest of his career. Through his company, Rocket Entertainment, the 71-year old icon has struck a long-term partnership that covers recorded music, music publishing, merchandise, brand management and licensing rights.

What percentage of royalties does Bernie Taupin get?

and the lyrics are worth 50\%. Elton John and Bernie Taupin are good examples: Elton writes the music (50\%) and Bernie writes the lyrics (50\%).

Who was Tiny Dancer written about?

Maxine Feibelman
The 15 greatest piano pop songs of all time Bernie had written the song about his then-girlfriend (his future first wife), Maxine Feibelman, whom you can also see in the clip enjoying the song. ‘Tiny Dancer’ was recently named as one of the top 10 best ever Elton John songs in a TV special.

Who is Elton John’s mentor?

Elton is my mentor and hero. Elton John and Bernie Taupin are in a songwriting partnership, in which they are in a contractual agreement with a music publisher and record company.

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When did Elton Taupin start singing?

In 1971, Taupin recorded a spoken-word album entitled Taupin, in which he recites some of his early poems against a background of impromptu, sitar-heavy music created by some members of Elton’s band, including Davey Johnstone and Caleb Quaye.

What did Tom Taupin’s mother do for work?

Taupin’s mother worked as a nanny, having previously lived in Switzerland. The family later moved to Rowston Manor, a significant step up from Flatters farmhouse, which had no electricity.

Was Elton John a good piano player?

Even EJ himself has said, “if it weren’t for Bernie Taupin, there’d never be an Elton John”. And he isn’t just being humble. Elton was struggling for a few years trying to find his way in the music industry. Yes, he was a great piano and keyboard player.