
Is Cantonese The official language of Hong Kong?

Is Cantonese The official language of Hong Kong?

The principal language of Hong Kong is standard Cantonese (粵語, 廣州話, 廣東話, 廣府話, 白話, 本地話), spoken by 88.9\% of the population at home daily. As an official language, it is used in education, broadcasting, government administration, legislation and judiciary, as well as for daily communication.

What is the national language of Hongkong?

Hong Kong/Official languages

Will Mandarin replace Cantonese in Hong Kong?

The territory, a former British colony transferred to Chinese control in July 1997, is seeing its native language, Cantonese, slowly get replaced by the official language of mainland China, Mandarin. More than 70 percent of Hong Kong’s primary schools now use Mandarin as the medium of instruction.

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Is Cantonese dying in Hong Kong?

According to these experts, Cantonese isn’t dying at all. For now. “From a linguistic point of view, it’s not endangered at all. It’s doing quite well compared to other languages in the China region,” said Mr Lau.

Is Cantonese a dying language?

It’s the native language of one out of every 112 people on the planet. There are more native speakers of Cantonese than there are of 99.64\% of all of the languages on earth. Cantonese has more native speakers than Thai, Ukrainian and Dutch, and only slightly less than Italian. So, no, Cantonese is not a dying language.

Is China getting rid of Cantonese?

China Is Forcing Its Biggest Cantonese-Speaking Region To Speak Mandarin. Throughout China, Mandarin — known as Putonghua, the “common language”, with its roots in Beijing’s northern dialect — is the medium of government, education and national official media.

Will Cantonese become extinct?

Cantonese will not die out for the foreseeable future as some alarmists seem to purport, but the Cantonese speaking population may experience a decrease given the greater prominence of Mandarin in China and a decrease in the overseas Cantonese diaspora.

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Is Cantonese the official language of Hong Kong?

Most people in Hong Kong like to speak Cantonese about 89\%, but it is not an official language. The official language is Mandarin or Chinese, not Cantonese. There may be few people who wanted Cantonese as an official language of Hong Kong but it may not be possible for the time being, many foreigners are learning Cantonese though.

What is the history of Cantonese in China?

History. In Mainland China, the use of Mandarin as the language of official use and education was enforced. In Hong Kong, Cantonese is the medium of instruction in schools, along with written English and written Chinese.

What is the official language of mainland China?

In Mainland China, the use of Mandarin as the language of official use and education was enforced. In Hong Kong, Cantonese is the medium of instruction in schools, along with written English and written Chinese.

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What is the difference between Hong Kong Cantonese and Guangdong Chinese?

There are slight differences between the pronunciation used in Hong Kong Cantonese and that of the Cantonese spoken in the neighbouring Guangdong Province, where Cantonese (based on the Guangzhou dialect) is a main lingua franca.