
Is French useful in Canada outside of Quebec?

Is French useful in Canada outside of Quebec?

Well, there are just over 1 million French speakers outside of Quebec, including half a million in Ontario, so it doesn’t hurt to speak French in many parts of the country. Also, the federal government is bilingual, so if you want a federal job, it helps to speak French wherever you are.

Is Quebec the only part of Canada that is bilingual?

Therefore, each of Canada’s provinces and territories has adopted its own official language policy. Québec is the only province that acknowledges French as its sole official language. New Brunswick is the only bilingual province where both English and French are official languages.

What percentage of Canadians speak French outside of Quebec?

In Canada outside Quebec, the French language minority, defined by first official language spoken, edged down from 4.0\% in 2011 to 3.8\% in 2016. The proportion of Canadians who reported speaking English at home increased by 0.5 percentage points, from 74.0\% in 2011 to 74.5\% in 2016.

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Why does Quebec still speak French?

People in Quebec speak French because it was the main language of Canada. Furthermore, French speakers were the majority in Canada until 1830 when British immigration began to outnumber French Speakers in Canada except Quebec.

Why is Québec French and not English?

But assimilation was out of the question. The French did not go to Canada to be Anglicized. After the British conquest of this French colony in 1760, a quarter of a century elapsed before any real English-speaking population settled on the soil of old Canada (Quebec and Ontario).

Why does Montreal speak French?

This is why the best city to actually learn and practice French in isn’t Paris or Lyon or Marseille, but Montreal. In a brilliant placating maneuver, the British passed the Quebec Act in 1774, providing the Quebecois with a charter of rights allowing them to keep their French language, culture, and Catholic religion.

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Is Quebec really bilingual?

Canada without counting Québec is about 10\% bilingual and therefore not really bilingual! Quebec is not French only. Quebec is bilingual, and probably more so than the rest of Canada. If you ask someone politely if they speak English while visiting Montreal, they probably can.

Should English students be discouraged from attending English colleges in Quebec?

Discouraging students from attending English colleges, when they are already native French speakers, is fighting the wrong battle. Keeping French alive in Quebec won’t be done by forcing out English education. A 17-year old won’t forget their native language and culture just because they learn a new one.

What is quequebec’s policy on non-French languages?

Quebec, to protect its French heritage, has enacted laws (see Charter of the French Language) which restricts the use of non-French languages in the workplace and public spaces. French, for example, must be dominant on signs.

What is the bilingual policy of Canadian provincial governments?

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Provincial governments, with the exception of New Brunswick, do not have a bilingual policy. Quebec is officially French. New Brunswick is officially French and English. The provincial governments in the rest of Canada are officially English. Quebec, to protect its French heritage, h…