
Is Guatemala safe for tourist?

Is Guatemala safe for tourist?

Guatemala has one of the highest violent crime rates in Latin America, one of the world’s highest homicide rates and a very low arrest and detention rate. Most incidents of violent crime are drug- and gang-related. They occur throughout the country, including in tourist destinations.

What is the safest part of Guatemala City?

Zone 10
Zone 10 is the safest area of the city.

Is Guatemala safe for tourists 2020?

Guatemala is not the safest country to visit. It has extremely high crime rates, of both violent and petty crime. You should be vigilant and take all possible precaution measures in order to minimize the risk of something wrong happening.

Which zones in Guatemala City are safe?

Keep yourself in Zones 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16. You’ll be okay there. But still, watch out for pickpockets as you would anywhere. Zones 9 and 10 are the best and you’ll feel more at “home” (wherever home is) in those areas.

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Is Antigua Guatemala Safe 2021?

The short answer? Yes. In general, Antigua Guatemala is very safe but precautions should still be exercised. Antigua is one of the safest cities in all of Guatemala.

How bad is crime in Guatemala?

Rates of crime in Guatemala are very high. An average of 101 murders per week were reported in 2018. The countries with the highest crime and violence rates in Central America are El Salvador and Honduras.

Who is the richest person in Guatemala?

Mario Lopez Estrada
Guatemala’s Mario Lopez Estrada (No. 1741) debuted with a $1 billion fortune as he fights for his country’s mobile phone market against the world’s second-richest man Carlos Slim Helu.

What is the safest country in Central America?

Costa Rica
Costa Rica is consistently rated as the safest country in all of Central America and the Caribbean – an awesome piece of news for anyone looking for a tropical paradise to escape to.

Is Zone 7 in Guatemala safe?

Zones 13, 14, 15, and 16 are maybe the safest ones in Guatemala. 1, 4 and 7 are far the most dangerous zones.

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Are Ubers safe in Guatemala?

Yes, Uber IS safe in Guatemala. Officially, Uber operates in Guatemala City and Antigua. People even take an Uber all the way from Guatemala City to Antigua. Uber is a good option for non-Spanish speakers as they don’t need to worry about communicating with the driver so much – it’s all on the app.

Why is it so bad in Guatemala?

According to the US Department of State, Guatemala’s high murder rate is caused by four principal factors: an increase in drug trafficking; a growing prevalence of gang-related violence; a heavily armed civilian population; and a weak and incompetent police/judicial system.

Why Guatemala is a bad country?

Guatemala suffers from high malnutrition and infant mortality rates. Guatemala’s crime rate is among the highest in all of Latin America, and violence is negatively affecting the country’s economy, according to the World Bank. Tensions grew in 2017 between the government and a U.N.

How safe is Guatemala City for travel?

I won’t say Guatemala City is a place where you can walk around without worrying about getting robbed. But I will say it’s not as bad as its reputation suggests. In fact, Guatemala City has many areas where it’s friendly and safe to walk around in during the day. Guatemala has no other urban area like its capital city.

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What are the crime zones in Guatemala City?

The following zones in Guatemala City are of elevated concern to Embassy security staff due to crime: 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, and 24. These zones do not overlap with the typical tourism and visitor areas, with the exception of Zone 13, in which Guatemala International Airport is located.

Can US citizens travel to Guatemala right now?

U.S. Mission personnel are prohibited from traveling to/throughout the above-mentioned areas, but are permitted to travel throughout the rest of Guatemala, including Tikal, Antigua, Lake Atitlán, and Pacific coast areas in the Santa Rosa and Escuintla departments. Read the country information page.

What are the bad things about Guatemala?

Guatemala has one of the highest rates of violent crime in Latin America and a lot of petty theft/scams to go with it. There’s always the potential for political trouble as well. Guatemala is also still a developing country .