
Is it better to use PHP or JavaScript?

Is it better to use PHP or JavaScript?

The comparison between PHP vs JavaScript ends with the score 3 to 5 – JavaScript beats PHP. Both languages are fairly good in terms of community support, extensibility, and apps they are suited to. JavaScript is certainly more efficient in terms of speed and universality.

When would you use PHP over JavaScript?

1. Javascript does the job for Both Front-end and Back-end. PHP is used mostly for Back-end purposes only.

Is JavaScript used for dynamic website?

One of the many reasons JavaScript is so popular is because you can use it to make dynamic HTML. This is sometimes referred to as manipulating the DOM. The DOM = Document Object Model. What’s important to know now is that it’s a representation of the HTML that JS has access to and can add/remove/edit HTML.

Is PHP more secure than JavaScript?

Security. PHP is more secure than Javascript as the PHP code is not visible in the browser. Javascript code is vulnerable and is prone to security risks. You can secure your Javascript code by using Security Analyzer tools and use best development practices such as usage of SSL/HTTPS and so on.

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What is Javascript explain difference between Javascript and PHP?

Difference between JavaScript and PHP

JavaScript PHP
Currently, it is a full-stack programming language. It means it can serve both the client as well as server sites. It is a server-side scripting language. It serves only the backend of the website.
It is faster but difficult to learn. It is slower but easy to learn.

Should I learn PHP before Javascript?

No, not at all. PHP and JS are both separate things. So you can go ahead and learn php without knowing JS at all. Although i must say that you will definitely need to know JS, when you will become an intermediate developer, to create client side effects like client side validations, ajax, etc.

How does PHP interact with Javascript?

JavaScript is used as client side to check and verify client details and PHP is server side used to interact with database. In PHP, HTML is used as a string in the code. In order to render it to the browser, we produce JavaScript code as a string in the PHP code.

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How JavaScript can create dynamic HTML content?

DHTML included JavaScript along with HTML and CSS to make the page dynamic. This combo made the web pages dynamic and eliminated this problem of creating static page for each user. To integrate JavaScript into HTML, a Document Object Model(DOM) is made for the HTML document.

Is Java and JavaScript Both are similar if not why?

JavaScript(JS) is not similar or related to Java. Both the languages have a C-like syntax and are widely used in client-side and server-side Web applications, but there are few similarities only….Java.

Java JavaScript
Java has a thread-based approach to concurrency. Javascript has an event-based approach to concurrency.

Why is Java better than PHP?

Java is considered to be a more secure language, compared to PHP. It has more built-in security features while PHP developers have to opt for other frameworks. However, in terms of security, Java works better for complex projects because it can block some features in low-level programming to protect the PC.

How are PHP and JavaScript similar?

PHP is a server-side scripting language while JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. In fact, the most dynamic website is created when we use functions of both these languages together. If PHP is like a paint-brush to paint picture, then JavaScript is a paint-color.

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What is the difference between PHP and JavaScript in web development?

PHP vs JavaScript: Must Know Differences. PHP. Is not fair to compare PHP vs JavaScript, as they both have different purposes for web-site development. PHP is a server-side scripting language while JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. In fact, the most dynamic website is created when we use functions of both these languages together.

Is PHP more stable than JavaScript?

Unlike JavaScript, PHP is synchronous. The second line of code in PHP cannot be executed until the first one is, which makes it much slower than JavaScript. While PHP undoubtedly loses in terms of speed, some say that it is more stable than JavaScript. Yet, this advantage is quite ambiguous and not a hundred percent proven.

Why is PHP so important?

Let’s take a look at some of its benefits and reasons its use can be so important and beneficial. One of the huge benefits of PHP code is that it can be embedded directly within HTML code.

What is PHP now called?

It’s simply known as PHP now. JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich of Netscape to bring interactivity to the Web. Originally known as Mocha, the name was changed to LiveScript, and later JavaScript to take advantage of the Java language’s popularity.