
Is it correct to say less people or fewer people?

Is it correct to say less people or fewer people?

The correct usage is “fewer people” because we are talking about a group of discrete entities — a set of things that can be counted. “Less,” by contrast,is correct for dealing with more general amounts.

Can we say less students?

Why? – Quora. “less” is used for uncountable nouns whereas “few” is used for countable nouns. Students are COUNTABLE so we will use FEW instead of LESS.

How do you use fewer in a sentence?

Fewer sentence example

  1. At least for the present, the fewer people who knew, the better.
  2. In 2000, Africa had fewer than five million Internet users.
  3. We can make better food that uses fewer resources.
  4. One little girl had fewer presents than the rest, and Helen insisted on sharing her gifts with her.
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Is fewer singular or plural?

“Fewer” is for plural things. About 99\% of the time, this language makes no difference. Whether you use the singular-plural rule or the mass noun-count noun rule, you still end up with fewer cars and less courage.

How do you remember the difference between less and fewer?

The basic rule to remember in less vs. fewer is: Less means a smaller amount or “not as much” and is used when describing singular or uncountable nouns. Fewer is defined as not as much and is used when describing plural or countable nouns.

How do you use few and fewer?

Use fewer for countable things, and less for things you don’t count. For example, you can have fewer pages, rocks, lions, or tigers, but less sugar, water, confidence, or sympathy. If you can count it, go for few or fewer. Use few for a small countable amount.

How do you use less and fewer?

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‘Fewer’ and ‘Less’ Generally, fewer is used when the number of things is counted (“fewer problems”) whereas less is used when the number is measured (“less trouble” or “less time”).

How do you use fewer than?

If one is referring to a quantity which is countable, then “fewer than” is used. For example, Come to this lane if you want to check out fewer than 10 items. Similarly, fewer buses, fewer homes.

How do you remember less or fewer?

Is it one less thing or one fewer thing?

The correct usage is fewer for numbers of countable things; less for quantities by measure. Fewer means not as many, less means not as much. Fewer eggs and less flour. Consequently, the strictly correct phrase is “one fewer thing to worry about”.

What happened to the word fewer?

It’s being replaced by “less” and seemingly falling into disuse.

What is the difference between ‘less’ and ‘ fewer’?

What to Know. Generally, fewer is used when the number of things is counted (fewer problems) whereas less is used when the number is measured (less trouble or less time).

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How do you use no less than in a sentence?

No Less Than In informal usage, no less than may be used, for emphasis, with plural nouns, even though fewer would be the formally correct choice. Example: No less than 300 people showed up for the concert. OR No fewer than 300 people showed up for the concert.

Were there fewer days below freezing last winter?

Correct:There were fewer days below freezing last winter. (Days can be counted.) Correct:I drank less water than she did. (Water cannot be counted individually here.) When referring to timeor money, lessis normally used even with numbers.

What does it mean to use less with qualities?

Use lesswith qualities or quantities that cannot be individually counted. Incorrect:There were less days below freezing last winter. Correct:There were fewer days below freezing last winter. (Days can be counted.) Correct:I drank less water than she did. (Water cannot be counted individually here.)