
Is it normal to have a fishy smell during pregnancy?

Is it normal to have a fishy smell during pregnancy?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV): According to the American Pregnancy Association, 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women will get bacterial vaginosis. The condition is caused by an imbalance of good and bad vaginal bacteria. The main symptom of BV is a fishy-smelling, gray discharge.

Is it normal for your VAG to smell while pregnant?

Your vagina’s pH levels change That taste may be more “metallic or salty,” according to The Journal of Perinatal Education . A change or increase in odor — while likely occurring because of your fluctuating hormones — may also seem more pungent to you because your olfactory senses are also heightened during pregnancy.

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How can I get rid of smelly discharge during pregnancy?

Smelly discharge during pregnancy If it is the hormones causing the smelly discharge when pregnant, then this will likely go away on its own once your baby is born. In the meantime, it is a good idea to wear loose fitting, cotton underwear and avoid perfumed soap to best prevent the smell.

How do I fix my pH balance during pregnancy?

To keep the pH of your vagina at a consistently healthy level, follow these tips:

  1. Whenever you have sex, use a condom. The barrier will not only protect you from STDs, but it’ll also prevent alkaline semen from disrupting your vaginal pH levels.
  2. Take probiotics.
  3. Don’t douche.
  4. Eat yogurt.
  5. See your OB-GYN.

What causes fishy odor while pregnant?

Bacterial Vaginosis is the main culprit for foul fishy odor accompanied with grayish discharge. Together with fishy odor, many pregnant women may complain of itching and inflammation in the genital region. Bacterial Vaginosis occurs when there is imbalance of bacterial flora in the vagina.

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Is it normal to have vaginal smell during pregnancy?

Vaginal odor during pregnancy is actually quite normal. Of course, if you begin to notice a pungent odor that is present with a chunky discharge, itching, irritation or pain – your best course of action is to contact your health provider.

Why does your vagina smell during pregnancy?

Yeast Infection. Although the presence of yeast in your vagina is perfectly normal, its balance will be disrupted by the hormonal alterations from your pregnancy. This will cause its population to boom, making your vagina itch and creating a strong smell.

Is body odor a sign of pregnancy?

With increased fluid retention, soaring pregnancy hormones and an increased basal temperature, sweating and body odor may be a part of pregnancy. Body odor is easy enough to treat with a healthy change in diet, placement of a few fans, and a clinical strength deodorant.