
Is it permissible to recite Quran while lying down?

Is it permissible to recite Quran while lying down?

You can recite what you know but to read lying from Quran is wrong . And Imran surah 3 verse 191 remember Allah standing sitting reclining so verses of quraan you know by heart or if u r physically handicap u can read from quraan .

Which Surah should you listen to before sleeping?

Recite Ayat-al-Kursiy: Reciting ayat al kursiy before sleeping is essential as the person is protected by Allah and no evil comes near the person until morning. Recite Surah Mulk: It is one of the most powerful surah of the Qur’an and act as a protection from the punishment in grave.

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Can I read while lying down?

Reading whilst in a horizontal position causes a strain on the muscles around the eyes. The strain is particularly felt by the extraocular muscles that are responsible for eye movement. The fatigue caused by reading when lying down can mean that you’re taking a little longer to read each page.

Can I read translation of Quran without Wudu?

You can read Quran with or without wudhu’ if you are reading without holding a printed Quran. Differences of opinions on exist when it comes to holding the mushaf/printed Quran. Majority of scholars hold the view that you need to have wudhu’ to hold a mushaf.

What is the dua of sleep?

Transliteration: Allahumma innaka khalaqta nafsee wa-anta tawaffaha, laka mamatuha wamahyaha in ahyaytaha fahfathha, wa-in amattaha faghfir laha. Allahumma innee as-alukal-AAafiyah. Translation: O Allah, verily You have created my soul and You shall take its life, to You belongs its life and death.

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What does Quran say about sleep?

1,2 Islam considers sleep to be one of the great signs of the creator (Allāh) and asks followers to explore this sign. One Qur’anic verse says, “And among His signs is your sleep by night and by day and your seeking of His bounty, verily in that are signs for those who hearken” (30.23).

What happens if we read while sleeping?

The Condition Holding your reading material in an uncomfortable position can strain the muscles around your eyes. The official name for this condition is asthenopia. It won’t permanently damage your eyes or cause you to go blind, but it doesn’t feel good either.

What is the best position to read?

The most comfortable reading position is sitting upright in bed. While lying down, it’s simple to read your favorite book and immerse yourself in it. To sit upright when reading, you can place your back against the headboard. To promote your back, you can use a reading cushion with arms.

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Can I read Quran in my own language?

but if you cant read arabic, you can read quran in your own language and Allah accepts it from you. , Studies Islam everyday to become better.

Can we read Quran in laptop?

Reciting a verse from the Al Muzzammil chapter in the Quran, the fatwa says: “Read you, therefore, of the Quran as much as may be easy for you” (20:73). Reading the Quran on PCs, laptops and the internet is also allowed.

What should you listen to before sleeping?

As per studies, slow music or classical music is more relaxing that can help you sleep. As per studies, slow music or classical music is more relaxing that can help you sleep. Classical music or instrumental music can help slow the pulse and decrease levels of stress hormones.