
Is it weird to add someone on Facebook you barely know?

Is it weird to add someone on Facebook you barely know?

No. If you add too many people you don’t technically know, and they report as much to Facebook (they can do it if/when they decline your friend request), Facebook will block your ability to add friends for a certain length of time depending on the instance.

Should I accept a friend request from someone I don’t know?

Only accept friend requests from people you know. Accepting friend requests from strangers can increase the risk of scammers spoofing YOUR profile, collecting personal information to gain access to online accounts (like your mother’s maiden name, a common verification question used for resetting passwords), etc.

Is it OK to send a guy a friend request?

Never send a friend request to a man you fancy: If you send him a friend request on Facebook, you’ll just look desperate, according to Sherrie and Ellen. If he sends you a friend request then you should wait one or two days before you confirm it.

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Why do strangers want to be friends on Facebook?

You may receive fake Facebook friend requests for any number of reasons — some harmless, some malicious. Malicious linkers: You may receive friend requests from attackers who post malicious links to malware or phishing sites that end up in your Facebook newsfeed after accepting the friend request.

Is it weird to send a friend request to someone you don’t know?

6: Sending Friend Requests to Strangers It may seem strange to send a “friend” request to someone you barely know, or don’t know at all, but people do it all the time. Undoubtedly, some people like to accumulate friends as, ostensibly, a sign of popularity.

Is it bad to add someone by search?

No, this is not the same thing. Added you by search means that they looked up your name and added you. Added you by username means that they actually looked up your username and added you.

Is it creepy to add a girl on Facebook?

Yes, it’s creepy. Please don’t do it. If you really want to meet people online, why don’t you sign up for online dating? Then at least you know that the people you’re contacting actually want to be contacted.

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Does Facebook automatically make friend requests?

Yes, Facebook automatically send friend request to those who are new on FaceBook world even if you didn’t sent a friend request. but, you can actually remove or deactivate that ‘Automatic Send Friend Request’ by going to your facebook settings and change your Privacy into ‘Only me’.

What happens if you accept a fake friend request?

If you accept a friend request from a fake profile set up by a hacker, they can not only see everything you upload to Facebook they can download your photos and information and set up a fake account using your name and sending requests out to all of your friends.

Is adding by search creepy?

Is it creepy to find out other people’s information on Facebook?

Finding out information about other people is not as weird as it used to be — it’s just not. Any time people are called “creepy” for Facebook “stalking,” it’s as if they’re being called creepy for looking at my hair and telling me that it’s brown.

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Should I deny a friend request on Facebook?

That should satisfy any complaints about denying their request. Complete strangers should never be on your friend list. If you get a friend request from someone you don’t know and there isn’t a message explaining who they are, hit “delete request” or even block.

Should you approve or unfriend someone on Facebook?

Unlike other forms of social media, Facebook can show people a much more intimate look at your life, and once you have friended someone there is usually a lot of drama involved in unfriending them. Instead, it’s best to hold off on approving these types of friend requests.

Should I add complete strangers to my facebook friend list?

Complete strangers should never be on your friend list. If you get a friend request from someone you don’t know and there isn’t a message explaining who they are, hit “delete request” or even block. Facebook will then ask you if you know this person outside of Facebook, and you should say “no.”.