
Is making below minimum wage illegal?

Is making below minimum wage illegal?

It is illegal for California employers to pay employees less than the minimum wage. If your employer violates minimum wage laws, you can recover the money you are owed by way of a labor board complaint a wage and hour lawsuit.

What are the likely consequences of imposing a minimum wage on the market for unskilled labor?

Evidence shows that minimum wages reduce employment and create unemployment among young unskilled workers. While some youths will benefit from higher current earnings, others will not find work, delaying labor market entry and reducing lifetime incomes.

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Why do entrepreneurs usually oppose efforts to raise minimum wage?

They argue a local, state or federal increase will raise costs for consumers and threaten business owners. Another fear is that business owners will move to states where the minimum wage is lower.

For what reason may an employer legally not hire an applicant?

For what reason may an employer legally NOT hire an applicant? The applicant is not old enough for the type of job or the hours required by the job. Employers are also not allowed to discriminate against employees.

Who is exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act?

Executive, administrative, professional and outside sales employees: (as defined in Department of Labor regulations) and who are paid on a salary basis are exempt from both the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA.

Will employers go out of business if they must pay a higher minimum wage?

Will employers go out of business if they must pay a higher minimum wage? No. Many employers and small businesses, in fact, support minimum wage increases.

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Does raising the minimum wage hurt small business?

A minimum wage increase to $15 per hour would significantly disrupt many small businesses, harming small employers who could see a significant increase in their labor costs and a doubling of their entry level position costs.

What are the disadvantages of wage employment?

Disadvantages of waged pay

  • Working hours: Waged workers get paid according to the hours they have worked.
  • Hours cut: If your company is going through financial troubles and you need to cut down on expenses, in most cases employee hours are the first to go, which means a smaller paycheck.

What are the pros and cons of earning salary?

12 Pros and Cons of Salary Pay

  • Costs are relatively stable for budgetary purposes.
  • It is easier to process payroll.
  • It has a reputation of prestige.
  • It gives employers and employees more flexibility.
  • Salary pay allows employees to plan their own finances.
  • An early shut-down day means a full day of pay.
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How do you justify not hiring someone?

Let’s take a look at a handful of reasons NOT to hire someone:

  1. Applied for multiple job openings.
  2. Sent in a generic resume.
  3. Bad attitude.
  4. Lack long term career goals.
  5. Unable to follow job application directions.
  6. Don’t ask any questions during the job interview.
  7. Seem unprepared and did not do their research.
  8. Showed up late.