
Should I be worried if my blood pressure is 130 100?

Should I be worried if my blood pressure is 130 100?

Normal: Below 120. Elevated: 120-129. Stage 1 high blood pressure (also called hypertension): 130-139. Stage 2 hypertension: 140 or more.

Does 130 blood pressure need medication?

120 to 129/less than 80 (Elevated): You probably don’t need medication. 130/80 to 139/89 (stage 1 hypertension): You might need medication. 140/90 or higher (stage 2 hypertension): You probably need medication.

What does a blood pressure of 130 100 mean?

The American Heart Association defines normal blood pressure as less than 120/80. Elevated blood pressure ranges between 120/80 and 129/80, and high blood pressure is 130/80 and higher. In pregnancy, normal blood pressure should be below 120/80.

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What if a person has a reading of 130 100 What disease do?

In people who have diabetes or kidney disease, hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure is 130/80 mm Hg or higher. The higher your blood pressure is, the greater your risk of developing blood pressure-related complications such as heart disease, heart failure, stroke, or kidney failure.

What causes the bottom number of blood pressure to be high?

The bottom line. Isolated systolic hypertension is when your systolic blood pressure is high, but your diastolic blood pressure is normal. It can occur naturally with age or can be caused by a variety of health conditions including anemia and diabetes.

Is it possible to get off blood pressure meds?

As you lose weight, it may be possible to reduce your dose of blood pressure medication — or stop taking blood pressure medication completely. Never make changes to your blood pressure medication on your own, however. Talk to your health care provider first.

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What happens if I don’t take my blood pressure medication for a few days?

You might face serious complications. If you don’t take your blood pressure pills for your heart as prescribed, it could raise your chances of a heart attack, a stroke, kidney failure, or other complications. Even OTC drugs can be dangerous to skip.

What is the average blood pressure for a 70 year old?

New Blood Pressure Standards for Seniors The ideal blood pressure for seniors is now considered 120/80 (systolic/diastolic), which is the same for younger adults.

How can you bring your blood pressure down quickly?

Here are some simple recommendations:

  1. Exercise most days of the week. Exercise is the most effective way to lower your blood pressure.
  2. Consume a low-sodium diet. Too much sodium (or salt) causes blood pressure to rise.
  3. Limit alcohol intake to no more than 1 to 2 drinks per day.
  4. Make stress reduction a priority.

Can I stop taking my blood pressure medication without a doctor?

Caution: Do not stop taking any blood pressure medication — or reduce your dosage — without first consulting your doctor. Solutions that get overlooked: There are a number of natural approaches that can reduce your blood pressure or even eliminate your need for blood pressure medication.

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Is there any proof that blood pressure medicine works?

Doctors are medicating people with mild hypertension but no real proof that it’s effective. If your average systolic pressure is over 140 systolic, your doctor probably correctly diagnosed you with hypertension and then with good intensions, automatically filled out a prescription slip for blood pressure lowering drugs.

What should I do if my blood pressure is over 140?

If your average systolic pressure is over 140 systolic, your doctor probably correctly diagnosed you with hypertension and then with good intensions, automatically filled out a prescription slip for blood pressure lowering drugs.

Do doctors prescribe medication for high blood pressure?

Even though regular exercise and a low-fat and low-sodium diet can help reduce blood pressure in many people, the overwhelming majority of doctors end up treating hypertension with medication. In some cases, medication is required to control blood pressure, but its use can have drawbacks.