
Should you lend money to your ex?

Should you lend money to your ex?

“Lending money, especially to a significant other, can jeopardize your relationship,” Chelsea Hudson, personal finance expert at, tells Bustle. “Even if you love and trust your partner, loaning money can lead to further issues, such as resentment, tension, and additional debt.”

Is it wrong to keep something your ex gave you?

Put all your ex’s gifts in a box and then hide it somewhere in your room. That box is your secret and contains a part of your past with someone else and no one should know about it. There is nothing wrong in keeping those gifts, they will make a great memory when you’ll be old.

How do I ask for my money back?

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Here are the best ways to ask for money back:

  1. Don’t get confrontational. Credit: TriStar Pictures.
  2. Drop hints about needing money.
  3. Highlight your own financial situation.
  4. Ask for money back in writing.
  5. Be flexible about receiving money back.
  6. Add a sense of urgency.
  7. Ask them to cover your half of the bill.
  8. Ask their parents.

Is it good to give your girlfriend money?

You should never give your girlfriend money if she has not asked you. That is the biggest mistake that most people make in a relationship and live to regret it. Once you give her money without her asking she will begin asking you for money. It is like you have gave her the greenlight to ask for money.

Can You Turn Your Ex into someone you want to stay married?

You already know, at least intellectually, that you can’t turn your ex into someone you would’ve wanted to stay married to. So if you’re stuck endlessly repeating the same fruitless attempts to induce good will in your former spouse, it’s time to ask yourself some tough questions:

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Should I give my Filipina girlfriend money?

Guys always want to know whether or not to give their Filipina girlfriend money, and for me, the answer is a resounding no; for at least three months. This is for a couple of reasons: 1.

Should I push my ex-spouse for more togetherness after divorce?

One of the toughest aspects of divorce is that partners rarely cross the emotional finish line together. You may have grieved your losses and feel ready to spend easy social time with your former spouse. But if he or she is still reeling, pushing for more togetherness is not only insensitive, it’s short sighted.

Should you give up parenting control to a former spouse?

Giving up control when you’ve been the everyday go-to parent is rough. Especially if your former spouse hasn’t logged many hours in the kitchen or carpool lane or you think his or her parenting hard drive is faulty, you’ll worry.

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