
Should you list Your Favorite TV shows on a resume?

Should you list Your Favorite TV shows on a resume?

It’s fine to list your actual favorite shows (especially because they could turn into conversation-starters), but there’s got to be something in the company’s wheelhouse that you watch and enjoy. If not, you shouldn’t apply for the job.

What are some creative director mistakes you’ve made?

Creative director example: “When working at my last agency, I made the mistake of sharing the news about a new client too early. While this normally would have been fine, the client ended up going with another firm at the last minute. Since I prematurely shared this news, my team was so excited about this new opportunity.

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Why do they ask about taste in acting in an interview?

A major reason why interviewers ask this question is to gauge your taste so they can get a sense of what you’ll contribute creatively to the team (even if the opportunity for creative contribution is way, way down the road). Which actors will you gravitate towards as a rep?

What mistakes did you make that helped you grow the most?

One mistake that helped me grow the most is when I wasn’t meeting my sales numbers when I first started my career. Instead of feeling discouraged, I asked my manager for some advice. He told me that the number-one mistake I was making was not following up with customers enough.

How do I Mark a TV show episode as watched?

Locate the TV show episode you want to mark as watched. Click on the Menu next to the episode. From the menu that appears, select Mark this episode as watched. Note: At this time, you can only mark a video as watched on a mobile device or computer. Was this helpful?

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How do I overcome my anime addiction?

Sometimes, you can overcome your anime addiction by giving yourself another, non-anime fandom to focus on; this includes books, movies, and television shows. You may find yourself spending less time on anime and more time on the new fandom.

Is it unhealthy to get attached to a fictional character?

It is only when you become so attached to a fictional character that you would reject all relationships with real people that it becomes unhealthy. If you find yourself buying a body pillow or crying for the whole day about their death, then this includes you.