
Was Voldemort genius?

Was Voldemort genius?

The Dark Lord was quite intelligent. The Dark Lord was highly intelligent – Dumbledore, who knew him incredibly well to the point of predicting nearly everything he did and thought, said the Dark Lord’s knowledge of magic was perhaps more extensive than any wizard alive.

Who is Voldemort when he was young?

That movie featured two actors inhabiting the role: the older Tom Riddle (the one who conned the secrets of the Horcruxes out of Professor Slughorn) was played by Frank Dillane, who was 16 at the time. The younger Tom Riddle we see in that movie was played by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin.

What was Dumbledore’s IQ?

An IQ of 160 is generally thought to be the threshold of “Genius”, Dumbledore qualifies as a genius. IQ is a statistical measure. IQ 136 is the first percentile, i.e. only one out of a hundred scores 136 or better.

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How did Tom Riddle stay young?

So he framed Hagrid & Aragog for the events that happened. But he desperately wanted to complete the Noble Cause. So,Tom Riddle preserved his 16 year old self (a mere memory) in his diary & also made it a horcrux with the intention of opening the Chamber Of Secrets later.

Whats Tom Riddles IQ?

Voldemort – 85 – The most powerful dark wizard of all time who was repeatedly and predictably defeated and put to shame by a baby, a child, and a teenager without any particularly special power, mainly because of his extremely lazy and slow thinking and his poor planning.

Is Tom Riddle smart?

Tom Riddle was a very intelligent individual, even brighter than Hermione according to Albus Dumbledore. ““Brilliant,” he said softly. “Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen.”” (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 329) .

What is snapes IQ?

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Snape – 150 – Exceedingly intelligent and inventive. Always above his peers. The most ingenious spy and the most talented liar the world has ever seen.

Who is the smartest wizard in Harry Potter?

Dumbledore is undoubtedly the smartest character in the Harry Potter universe, if by ‘smartest’, one means the greatest intellect. Dumbledore’s errors come from too much abstraction.

Did Dumbledore know Tom Riddle was the heir of Slytherin?

Dumbledore may have had his suspicions (due to the factors you’ve mentioned above) but it was definitely Tom Riddle who discovered his mother’s name and learned of his family’s connection to Salazar Slytherin; Finally he was forced to accept that his father had never set foot in Hogwarts.