
What ancient civilization has never had its writing deciphered?

What ancient civilization has never had its writing deciphered?

Also the script does not connect to any later writing system or to any specific language. So far, the Indus writing system could not be translated because the texts are too short, we have no bilingual inscription and we do not which language or languages were transcribed.

Which written language has not been deciphered?

Proto-Elamite A script which first appeared in about 2900 BC in Suse (Susa), the capital of Elam, in south-western Persia (modern Iran). It has yet to be deciphered and the language it represents in unknown.

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What languages can we not read?

8 Ancient Writing Systems That Haven’t Been Deciphered Yet

  • Linear A.
  • Cretan Hieroglyphics.
  • Wadi el-Hol script.
  • Sitovo inscription.
  • Olmec writing.
  • Singapore stone.
  • Rongorongo.
  • Proto-Elamite.

What is the most ancient writing?

cuneiform script
The cuneiform script, created in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, ca. 3200 BC, was first. It is also the only writing system which can be traced to its earliest prehistoric origin.

Are there any more ancient writing systems still to be cracked?

Today, when we’ve unlocked the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphs, Maya writing and hosts of far lesser known scripts, it seems as though there’s nothing left for enterprising epigraphers. Fear not, for there are actually a number of ancient writing systems still to be cracked.

Was the Indus script a spoken or a writing system?

But they disagree about whether it was a spoken language or a full writing system; some believe it represented only part of an Indus language, Robinson writes. One team has created the first publicly available, electronic corpus of Indus texts. Another, led by computer scientist Rajesh Rao, analyzed the randomness in the script’s sequences.

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What is the most similar language to Sumerian script?

Another, led by computer scientist Rajesh Rao, analyzed the randomness in the script’s sequences. Their results indicated it’s most similar to Sumerian cuneiform, which suggests it may represent a language. Read the full article for more details.

What is the oldest written language in the world?

While there were a few proto-writing systems that mainly used symbols that are older, Cuneiform is widely accepted as the oldest written language in the world. Cuneiform was first developed by one of the world’s first modern civilizations, the Sumerians from southern Mesopotamia, around 3200 BCE.