
What are some hard truth about life?

What are some hard truth about life?

7 Hard Truths About Life That People Don’t Like To Admit

  • Looks matter.
  • No one is truly altruistic.
  • There is no such thing as a soulmate.
  • Life is precious.
  • Nobody has any idea what to do.
  • Success doesn’t happen over night.
  • The world is full of suffering.

What are some life truths?

15 Essential Life Truths You Need To Live By

  1. We create our lives with the choices we make.
  2. Your feelings are guideposts to your truth.
  3. If you want to be loved, first love yourself.
  4. You teach people how to treat you.
  5. Find purpose in all that you do.
  6. Spend more time looking for a solution than dwelling on the problem.
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What’s the hardest truth you’ve had to accept?

19 Hard Truths You Have to Accept to Be Successful

  1. Everyone Is Always Offended.
  2. Someone Being Offended Means They Took Notice.
  3. Not Being Noticed Is Universal.
  4. You Will Be Judged.
  5. There’s a Difference Between Respect and Judgment.
  6. Self-Respect Leads to Universal Respect.
  7. Entitlement and Self-Respect Are Different.

What are some hard truth questions?

Best truth questions

  • When was the last time you lied?
  • When was the last time you cried?
  • What’s your biggest fear?
  • What’s your biggest fantasy?
  • Do you have any fetishes?
  • What’s something you’re glad your mum doesn’t know about you?
  • Have you ever cheated on someone?
  • What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?

What is the hardest truth you have learned?

Once You Learn These 8 Hard Truths About Life, You’ll Become Much Stronger

  1. Everyone You Love is Going to Die.
  2. We Give Our Lives Meaning.
  3. The Perfect Partner Doesn’t Exist.
  4. Life Is A Game.
  5. Everything Ends.
  6. Be Romantic About The Little Things.
  7. Be A Realist About The Big Things.
  8. Figure Out A Way Or Don’t Complain.
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What is the hardest truth learned?

How do you deliver hard truths?

To support you to navigate even the most challenging truth-telling conversation, here are 7 straightforward steps:

  1. Set your intentions.
  2. Differentiate between ‘the’ truth and ‘your’ truth.
  3. Acknowledge possible sensitivity.
  4. State your perception of the facts.
  5. Open the door to feedback.
  6. Understand the bigger picture.

Are You ignoring hard life truths that are uncomfortable?

The problem is that you ignore it because the truth is uncomfortable. So after I got stuck last time, I thought of the hard life truths I was ignoring. Once I returned to these lessons, everything improved again. Here’s the list I made for myself. Remember, these lessons are uncomfortable, but deep down, we all know how important they are.

Why should you embrace truths of life?

Most people are unwilling to face the truths of life. They are unable to confront their fears, so they end up as great dreamers but weak doers. They feel hopeless, limited and uninspired with few punches of life. Truth hurts, but by embracing them, you are giving yourself a clear head start to plan well.

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Is it easy or hard to get stuck in life?

It’s easy to get stuck —The truth is that life is hard and we all run into obstacles. Setbacks are unavoidable. Hence, you better get used to getting punched in the face. It’s hard to get unstuck —When you get punched in the face, most people stay down. Giving up is easy: “I don’t want to go through that again so I’m going to stop trying.”

How do you tell the truth in a conversation?

There are two sides to every story. Remember, the truth you tell is your truth – the truth based on your perception. Through framing your conversation as a two-way exchange, instead of a one-way ‘push’ of information, you create room and space for the other person.