
What are the arguments against polygamy?

What are the arguments against polygamy?

increased levels of physical and sexual abuse against women, increased rates of maternal mortality, shortened female life expectancy, lower levels of education for girls and boys, lower levels of equality for women, higher levels of discrimination against women, increased rates of female genital mutilation, increased …

What are the negative effects of polygamy?

Individual studies report a higher prevalence of somatization, depression, anxiety, hostility, psychoticism and psychiatric disorder in polygynous wives as well as reduced life and marital satisfaction, problematic family functioning and low self-esteem.

Is polygamy a moral issue?

Traditional polygamy is morally objectionable, because the spouses will always have unequal marital commitments and unequal control over their familial lives. The ideal of monogamy exhibited similar inequalities historically, but monogamy can be reformed into an equal relationship.

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Are polygamous marriages healthy?

RESULTS: Findings revealed that women in polygamous marriages experienced lower SE, less life satisfaction, less marital satisfaction and more mental health symptomatology than women in monogamous marriages.

What are the major arguments in support of polygamy?

The major arguments in support of polygamy (meaning polygyny) is that it is a distinguishing feature of customa­ry marriage practices in traditional societies that should be preserved. It is also argued that polygamy served certain important functions that ensured the stability of families and society as a whole.

Is polygamy good or bad?

Ninth, polygamy is good in that it proves that men have a humanitarian spirit in them – they want to help others. We all know that, as experience has shown, it is the man’s responsibility to provide for the home. So, imagine a man who has four wives, each having three children.

What are the pros and cons of polygyny?

Polygyny might even benefit the women involved, who may come to enjoy one another’s company, and share out the burdens of housekeeping and childrearing. Younger wives may add to the status and standing of the first wife, while at the same time subtracting from her responsibilities.

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Does childlessness justify polygamy?

While barrenness may precipitate polygamy or divorce, childlessness itself cannot always justify such outcomes. in a marriage because impotence and sterility in the man can also be the cause of childlessness. In this situation, neither polygamy or divorce and remarriage will improve the situation.