
What did Jesus say about taxes?

What did Jesus say about taxes?

So Jesus says to them, “Well, then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and pay to God what belongs to God.” So, Jesus did not oppose the payment of taxes. In fact, Jesus paid taxes. We turn to Matthew (who, by the way, was a tax collector before being called to become one of Jesus’ disciples) again.

Who said all taxation is theft?

Murray Rothbard
Murray Rothbard argued in The Ethics of Liberty in 1982 that taxation is theft and that tax resistance is therefore legitimate: “Just as no one is morally required to answer a robber truthfully when he asks if there are any valuables in one’s house, so no one can be morally required to answer truthfully similar …

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Who was present when Jesus was questioned about paying taxes?

Zacchaeus was also a short man, who forgot his dignity one day and climbed a tree so he could observe Jesus of Nazareth better. Crooked as these two tax collectors were, a critical lesson emerges from their stories in the Bible.

What does the Bible say about payment?

The Biblical call, however, is first to care for those within your sphere of influence. Don’t pay people so little that they have to use the state-supplied services. Proverbs 3:27 puts it this way: “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” I am not rich either.

Why do people think tax is theft?

The argument of people who think taxation is theft is that nobody alive today directly consented to taxation. Nobody directly signed any type of agreement to pay taxes in exchange for services provided. Without that consent, it is an involuntary seizure of money (theft).

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What does Jesus ask for when he is asked whether it is lawful to pay taxes to the emperor?

Jesus first called them hypocrites, and then asked one of them to produce a Roman coin that would be suitable for paying Caesar’s tax. They answered, “Caesar’s,” and he responded: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s”.

What does Jesus say about paying your debts?

Until you are debt-free, you will be enslaved to your past mistakes. You can move forward in God’s grace, but the consequences of your actions will follow you until the debts are paid in full.

Is debt a sin in the Bible?

The Bible specifically says that the “love” of money is evil. If we put money above God in any way, our relationship with money is unhealthy. In fact, the Bible never states that you should not use debt. It does state however many times, that you should use extreme caution when doing so.