
What did Nimitz think of MacArthur?

What did Nimitz think of MacArthur?

Nimitz, in Hawaii, and his superior Admiral Ernest King, the Chief of Naval Operations, in Washington, rejected the plan of General Douglas MacArthur to advance on Japan through New Guinea and the Philippines and Formosa.

Was Nimitz in charge of MacArthur?

Admiral Chester Nimitz was given command over all Naval forces in the Pacific and General MacArthur was given command of all Army forces in the Pacific, to prepare for the invasion of Japan.

Why did Roosevelt choose Nimitz?

The decision would depend upon who would prove to be more convincing—MacArthur or Nimitz. Roosevelt considered himself something of a naval strategist because of his seven-year term as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, so he felt fully qualified to make this decision.

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What is Admiral Nimitz famous for?

Nimitz, (born Feb. 24, 1885, Fredericksburg, Texas, U.S.—died Feb. 20, 1966, near San Francisco), commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet during World War II. One of the navy’s foremost administrators and strategists, he commanded all land and sea forces in the central Pacific area.

Was Nimitz a good admiral?

Nimitz will be number one in many minds for his brilliant leadership as commander-in-chief of the U.S. pacific fleet, and then chief of naval operations, both at critical times.

Did Admiral Nimitz run a ship aground?

Chester Nimitz ran the USS Decatur aground in 1907 and was convicted at court-martial for hazarding a ship. No one today disputes that running a ship aground is a serious mistake; one that has damaged if not ended the careers of many a skipper. Fortunately, Nimitz’s superiors saw his worth.

Why was Chester Nimitz important?

Chester William Nimitz (1885-1966), American naval officer, commanded the Pacific Fleet during World War II and played a major role in formulating and executing the strategy which led to the defeat of Japan. Chester Nimitz was born on Feb. 24, 1885, in Fredricksburg, Tex.

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Who appointed Admiral Nimitz?

President Roosevelt
10 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt promoted Nimitz to commander-in-chief of the United States Pacific Fleet as an Admiral. The rank of vice admiral was skipped by congressional appointment.

Who replaced Kimmel’s husband?

Chester Nimitz, Kimmel’s replacement as commander in the Pacific, thought it wrong to heap blame on his predecessor. In the late 1940s, other admirals began speaking out. Adm.

Where is Admiral Nimitz from?

Fredericksburg, TX
Chester W. Nimitz/Place of birth

What did MacArthur do in ww2?

Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) was an American general who commanded the Southwest Pacific in World War II (1939-1945), oversaw the successful Allied occupation of postwar Japan and led United Nations forces in the Korean War (1950-1953).

What happened to Admiral Kimmel after Pearl Harbour?

Kimmel retired in early 1942, and worked for the military contractor Frederic R. Harris, Inc. after the war. In retirement, Kimmel lived in Groton, Connecticut, where he died on May 14, 1968.