
What do people worry about the most in the world?

What do people worry about the most in the world?

What the world is worrying about. Unemployment is the top global concern, with 39\% saying that this is what they worry about most. Financial/political corruption and poverty and social inequality were next, with 32\%. Crime and violence (30\%) and healthcare (22\%) complete the top five global concerns.

Which countries are most worried about the global economy?

But unemployment is also the top concern for Canada, Australia and Saudi Arabia. Healthcare worries Hungarians and Poles the most, with 63\% and 51\%, respectively. People in South Africa, Russia and Brazil worry about financial and political corruption the most.

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What are the biggest concerns facing your country?

Today, people around the world focus most on the following five issues when they are asked about the biggest concerns facing their country: Here is a brief breakdown of the results by country: Poverty/Social Inequality (34\%). Russia (with 60\%) is the nation which is most worried about this issue, followed by Chile (55\%) and Hungary on 52\%.

Which countries are most worried about health and corruption?

Healthcare worries Hungarians and Poles the most, with 63\% and 51\%, respectively. People in South Africa, Russia and Brazil worry about financial and political corruption the most.

How much do we know about intellectual traits of mind?

Furthermore, the overwhelming majority (75\%) provided either minimal or vague allusion (33\%) or no illusion at all (42\%) to intellectual traits of mind. Although the majority (67\%) said that their concept of critical thinking is largely explicit in their thinking, only 19\% could elaborate on their concept of thinking.

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Are there any global problems that we have not yet looked into?

There are many global problems we have not yet looked into at length, but which, upon further investigation, might turn out to be very promising for people to work on. Below we list some issues we’ve at least briefly considered.

What is the greatest social problem in the world today?

The greatest social problem in the world today is also the greatest problem in all existence. The propensity of man to do wrong (sin) against others (God & his/her fellow man/woman).