
What do you call something that is not useful?

What do you call something that is not useful?

Useless, fruitless, futile.

What is the most uncommon word used?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words you can find in the English language.

  • Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words and is a mystery mostly for non native speakers of English.
  • Gobbledygook.
  • Scrumptious.
  • Agastopia.
  • Halfpace.
  • Impignorate.
  • Jentacular.
  • Nudiustertian.

What does not useful mean?

adjective. of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile: It is useless to reason with him. without useful qualities; of no practical good: a useless person; a useless gadget.

How do you say useless politely?

12 Answers. Consider extraneous, “Not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing; without or beyond a thing; foreign”, and synonyms like superfluous (“in excess of what is required or sufficient”) or pleonastic (“Using an excessive number of words”).

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What’s the least used word?

The 20 Least-Known Words In English

  • genipap.
  • futhorc.
  • witenagemot.
  • gossypol.
  • chaulmoogra.
  • brummagem.
  • alsike.
  • chersonese.

What’s meaning of inoperative?

Definition of inoperative : not operative: such as. a : not functioning an inoperative clock. b : having no effect or force an inoperative law.

What word means pointless?

absurd, aimless, fruitless, futile, impotent, inconsequential, ineffective, ineffectual, insignificant, irrelevant, meaningless, powerless, silly, stupid, trivial, unnecessary, unproductive, useless, worthless, inane.

What is the rudest word to call someone?


  • stupid. noun. offensive an insulting name for someone who you think is being stupid.
  • jerk. noun. offensive someone who does stupid, annoying, or unkind things.
  • dunce. noun.
  • dipstick. noun.
  • dork. noun.
  • bonehead. noun.
  • dingbat. noun.
  • jackass. noun.

Is unuseful a word?

Not useful; useless.

Is Q The least used letter?

English standard orthography See the list of English words containing Q not followed by U. Q is the second least frequently used letter in the English language (after Z), with a frequency of just 0.1\% in words. Q has the third fewest English words where it is the first letter, after Z and X.

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What is the least common letter?

If you want to know which letters are used least in everyday English, you might agree with Samuel Morse’s J, X, and Z. In dictionaries, J, Q, and Z are found the least, but some of the words are rarely used.

What is another word for popular?

Popular: enjoying widespread favor or approval. Synonyms: big, crowd-pleasing, du jour… Antonyms: out, unfashionable, unpopular… Find the right word.

What is the difference between popular and vulgar?

popular applies to what is accepted by or prevalent among people in general sometimes in contrast to upper classes or special groups. vulgar, otherwise similar to popular, is likely to carry derogatory connotations (as of inferiority or coarseness).

How are the words plain and popular related to each other?

The words plain and popular can be used in similar contexts, but plain is likely to suggest homely simplicity. How are the words vulgar and popular related? Vulgar, otherwise similar to popular, is likely to carry derogatory connotations (as of inferiority or coarseness).

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What is the difference between common and popular?

While the synonyms common and popular are close in meaning, common implies usual everyday quality or frequency of occurrence and may additionally suggest inferiority or coarseness. When would familiar be a good substitute for popular? In some situations, the words familiar and popular are roughly equivalent.