
What does dambis meaning in Marathi?

What does dambis meaning in Marathi?

Marathi household swear words ‘Dambis’ and ‘Damrut’ are localised versions of ‘Damn beast’ and ‘Damn rat’, used by English masters on their native workers who took it back at home for cussing at their kids.

Is dambis English word?

Cinematically, Dambis (meaning lovable but naughty) is an inopportune attempt at filmmaking.

What is meaning of Bombil in Marathi?

1. A slender edible lizardfish (Harpadon nehereus) of marine and brackish waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, having a pale body and a large head. 2. Also called bummalo. [Alteration of Marathi bombīla, bombil.]

What is the meaning of Marathi word AAI?

Aai means ‘mother’ in Marathi, the local language of Mumbai.

What is the meaning of Niragas?

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निरागस Niragas Meaning in English Ad. 1. निरागस Niragas. Clean-handed.

What’s the meaning for original?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : initial the original part of the house. 2a : not secondary, derivative, or imitative an original composition. b : being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made.

What do we call Bombil in English?

Binomial name. Harpadon nehereus. (F. Hamilton, 1822) Harpadon nehereus, called the Bombay duck, bummalo, bombil, and boomla is a species of lizardfish.

What is in Bombay duck?

Also called bummalo, this is not a duck at all, but a small dried fish from India and Bangladesh. The fish are landed then hung on racks on the beach to dry in the sun. In cooking, Bombay duck is usually heated in the oven or fried until it is crisp enough to be crumbled over stews and curries.

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What does Ajoba meaning in Marathi?

आजोबा (ajoba) – Meaning in English आईच्या वडिलांना पण आजोबा म्हणतात. आजोबा हे नातू व नातीला जुन्या गोष्टींची माहिती सांगतात व आई बाबांच्या सोबतच आजोबा यांची महत्त्वाची भूमिका आपल्या जडण घडणीत असते.

What is the synonym of mother in Marathi?

Synonyms of mother

Synonyms in Marathi पालक माता
Synonyms in English parent mummy

What does Niragas meaning in Marathi?

निरागस Niragas Meaning in English 1. निरागस Niragas. Clean-handed.

What is the synonym of innocent?

1 sinless, virtuous; faultless, impeccable, spotless, immaculate. 6 simple, naive, unsophisticated, artless.