
What does it mean if a girl gives slow replies?

What does it mean if a girl gives slow replies?

She may be busy. She may doesn’t like you. But if she is a kind,polite girl she would reply to you even if she doesn’t want a relationship. She may do it on purpose to play hard to get and not seen desperate.

How do you know if a girl likes you in conversation?

Below are 11 signals you can look for that will help you tell if a girl likes you.

  1. Body Language.
  2. She Asks You Questions.
  3. She Remembers Things You’ve Said in Previous Conversations.
  4. She Tries to Learn More About Your Interests.
  5. She Initiates Conversation and Responds Quickly to Texts.
  6. She Invites You to Meet Her Friends.
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What does it mean when a girl asks you to stop texting?

If she asks you to stop calling and texting her, SHE USUALLY MEANS IT! If you don’t stop, it’s called stalking and it makes you a weird and creepy guy. There’s millions and millions of single women all around the world and you’ll find one who takes the time to call and text you back.

How long should you wait for a girl to call or text?

If she waits five days to respond and does so with a text message, then wait five days before you call her. Again, do not send another text. Be the man. If you can’t make the phone call, then you’re not attracted to her, and if that’s the case, you’re wasting your time and hers.

Should a girl reply quickly to text messages?

If having quick replies to your texts is important to you then the lady needs to be told so. If the problem continues after the conversation then you have your answer. Move on. By the way..

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How do you text a girl to ask her on a date?

MSG her the same day you met her: Attractive women get invited on dates frequently. If you don’t message her the same day she’ll lose interest in a flash. Life’s busy, don’t become a memory. Set up a date on your first message: There’s no reason to go through a series of messages trying to win a woman over via text.