
What does it mean if I have a lot of water in my birth chart?

What does it mean if I have a lot of water in my birth chart?

With too much water in your birth chart, you’re apt to be led by feelings, and struggle to see things objectively. This is a strength, though, too, and is found in those with imaginative gifts, and who are unusually empathic. The Zodiac signs of the water element are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

What does it mean to have water placements?

Water signs are sympathetic and kind souls who are intuitive and in tune with themselves and others. Negative qualities of water signs can be manipulation and being overly sensitive. When it comes to air signs, many times they are the biggest astrology advocates in the room.

What does being a water sign mean?

And water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—are known for being sensitive and sentimental. They tend to hold on to people and items long past their expiration dates, and their emotions are always flowing like the waves of the oceans. Emotional and creative, they rely on their hearts and gut to make a decision.

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What does it mean if I have no water signs in my chart?

This means that you are Water Void. This could mean that you have a hard time understanding feelings/emotions (your own and others). Perhaps you prefer to rationalize (Earth), intellectualize (Air) or energize (Fire) your emotions/feelings; than truly feel them.

Are water signs impulsive?

When it comes to water signs, they are emotional, impulsive and sensitive. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are water signs. They make decisions from their heart and don’t really believe in being logical or practical. Water signs are incredibly emotional and tend to feel things more intensely than others.

Are water signs weak?

No element is essentially weak or strong. Water signs are emotional. That can be viewed as weakness to some, but if you’ve ever encountered the caring tenacity of a Cancer, or the unshakeable faith of a Piscean, or been defended (or offended) by the anger of a Scorpio, you know what I mean.

How do you balance too much water element?

In each hand, place the tip of the little finger at the base of the thumb and press the thumb onto the little finger applying gentle pressure. This amounts to suppression of the water element in the body. Perform this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch or 15 minutes thrice a day for ten days.

What does it mean when you have a lot of fire in your chart?

It’s the natural urge that’s associated with being inspired, dynamic, animated, engaged, alive, and motivated. It’s the fire in the belly or mind that overcomes stagnation. We fan the flames of fire in our charts by taking risks.

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Why are water signs the worst?

A fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are not easy signs to get along well and can bring out the worst in each other. This is because water signs are sensitive and emotional beings. As in nature, water can extinguish fire, so is true in life.

Who is the leader of the water zodiac signs?


Triplicity Day Ruler Night Ruler
Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Sun Jupiter
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Venus Moon
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Saturn Mercury
Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Venus Mars

How do you know if you have Fire in your chart?

Fire Element Zodiac Signs The Zodiac signs of the fire element are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The fire element is expressed through inspired acts that are led by intuitive impulses. It’s the surge forward into new ground, often without restraint. Aries is cardinal fire — surging, flashing, and initiating.

What does it mean to have no air in your birth chart?

Without any air (or very little air) in a natal chart it is hard for the individual to socialize and to create a social network, and he/she might find abstract ideas and/or learning foreign languages difficult. But he/she can still have a career in e.g. art or military and/or have a long and happy family life.

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What happens when you don’t have water in your birth chart?

Lack of Water (or Weak Water) in the Birth Chart If in your chart, there is a lack of the water element, you have the most difficulty with emotions–whether it is your own, those of your friends or loved ones, or even those of distant colleagues. To others, you may seem distant and cold, but it is not that you don’t have emotions it is just…

What happens when you don’t have the water element?

If in your chart, there is a lack of the water element, you have the most difficulty with emotions–whether it is your own, those of your friends or loved ones, or even those of distant colleagues.

What does the water element mean in a numerology chart?

In modern psychological terms, the water element in a chart points to emotional depth. If water is the dominant element in your chart, then you likely feel things deeply, and emotions play a large part in your experience and your life. It’s interesting too to look at the secondary element.

What happens if water is the dominant element in your chart?

If water is the dominant element in your chart, then you likely feel things Something to keep in mind is that in assessing the distribution of the elements in a chart, it’s good to consider the houses as well as the signs (that is, the houses have the elemental quality of their associated natural signs), and also the Ascendant and Midheaven.