
What God knows means?

What God knows means?

informal. used to emphasize that you do not understand something at all or have no knowledge of something at all: God knows where he put the keys! “What did he mean by that?” “God knows!”

How do you use God knows in a sentence?

God-knows sentence example

  1. We’re a house of cards in a windstorm, held together by God knows what.
  2. We’d go back to god knows what; a life normal people live.
  3. The fiend who did that is still out there; the one who killed those children and police officer and God knows who else!

Who know what meaning?

One or more things described with no detail. Our junk drawer has old remotes, instruction manuals, and who knows what else in it. You’re supposed to be doing your homework, but instead you’re slacking off and doing who knows what! See also: know, what, who.

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Who knows mean?

A rhetorical question asked to express the idea that anything is possible or that anything could happen. Who knows? A rhetorical question asked to show that the person asking it neither knows the answer nor knows who might. It could be one or the other, or both.

Where does the Bible say God knows everything?

He declares, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose” (Isaiah 46:10). It holds then, if God truly knows all things and if he ordains all things, then everything that happens to us must happen as part of his plan. F. B.

What’s the meaning of who knows?

When to Use knows and know?

“Know” is a personal verb that details one’s own subjective opinion about what they have knowledge of. “Knows” is an impersonal verb that details either one’s own subjective opinion or a third-person objective opinion about what another person or other persons have knowledge of.

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Who knows you change the voice?

In the present case, the passive voice of the statement “Who knows you?” will be “By whom you are known?” As “You” is the subject in the active voice statement and the word “who” is the object in the given statement.

Does Who knows need a question mark?

2 Answers. “Who knows?” is an example of a rhetorical question, because it is really a statement that does not actually ask for an answer. Yes, you have to put a question mark for “Who knows?” simply because MacMillan Dictionary has done so in a similar example.

Can God see what you’re doing?

He knows what he is doing at all times. God knows all things, past, present and future, real and potential, and he knows them all at the same time. He not only knows what was, and what is, he also knows what will be. The Bible says that God searches the hearts of men (Romans 8:27).

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What does it mean that God is all knowing?

Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future. He knows all that there is to know and all that can be known. Omnipresence means all-present. This term means that God is capable of being everywhere at the same time.

Who knows why Meaning?

A rhetorical question asked to express the idea that anything is possible or that anything could happen. A rhetorical question asked to show that the person asking it neither knows the answer nor knows who might. It could be one or the other, or both.