
What happened to Girardi & Keese?

What happened to Girardi & Keese?

It served clients in California in a variety of legal areas. It was known for representing plaintiffs against major corporations. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy petitions were filed by creditors against the firm in December 2020 and it was defunct by January 2021.

How do you know if a lawyer is ripping you off?

Here’s what to watch for:

  • Double billing. Billing two clients for the same hour of work is dubious legally and ethically.
  • Padding hours. Padding hours is a basic building block of consulting billing excess.
  • Trivial tasks.
  • Inefficiency.
  • Negligence.
  • Training.
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Who is Erika Girardi son?

Tommy ZizzoErika Jayne / Son

How much does Erika Jayne make per episode?

Erika reportedly earns $500,000 per season of RHOBH. This translates to her being paid around $25,000 per episode. Having been on the show since 2015, this means she could have made $3 million during the last six years – if she was paid the same from the start.

Is it normal not to hear from your attorney?

Throughout the process of getting your financial settlement after becoming injured, there may be periods of time that you do not hear from your attorney. Although this can be unnerving, it is a normal part of the legal process. Remember, your attorney’s job is not to get you the fastest settlement.

Can lawyers talk about their cases?

The attorney-client privilege is, strictly speaking, a rule of evidence. It prevents lawyers from testifying about, and from being forced to testify about, their clients’ statements. The duty of confidentiality prevents lawyers from even informally discussing information related to their clients’ cases with others.

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Can a lawyer be disbarred in more than one state?

Because lawyers may be licensed in several jurisdictions, disbarment in one jurisdiction doesn’t automatically mean a lawyer is disbarred nationwide. Interestingly, disbarment is not always permanent. A disbarred attorney can petition to have his or her license reinstated.

What happens if a complaint is made against an attorney?

If a complaint is made against an attorney, the state’s organization will investigate the claim and determine whether or not the attorney has violated any ethical rules. If so, the organization will discipline the attorney as appropriate.

Can anyone call themselves an attorney?

Not everyone can call themselves an attorney. In most states, you need to graduate from a three-year law school, take a difficult bar examination, and attend annual classes so as to obtain continuing legal education credits, in order to gain and keep a license to practice law in that state.

How can I find out if an attorney has been disbarred?

Using Colorado as an example, the state Supreme Court provides a simple attorney search webpage that allows users to search by name or bar number. Results shows whether the attorney is active, inactive, suspended or disbarred.