
What happens according to the constitution if there is no Electoral College majority?

What happens according to the constitution if there is no Electoral College majority?

If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes.

What was added to the US Constitution to change the voting system for the electoral college?

The Twelfth Amendment—proposed in 1803 and ratified in 1804—changed that original process, requiring electors to separate their votes and denote who they voted for as President and Vice President.

How can the US punish a state which denies the right of citizens vote?

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The amendment authorized the government to punish states that abridged citizens’ right to vote by proportionally reducing their representation in Congress.

How does the Electoral College work in the United States?

The Electors. In 48 states and Washington, D.C., the winner gets all of the electoral votes for that state. This means his or her party’s electors in that state will vote in the Electoral College. Maine and Nebraska assign their electors using a proportional system called the Congressional District Method.

Will a plan to scrap the Electoral College ever pass?

A plan to scrap the Electoral College via constitutional amendment would not pass in the current environment.

Is there an alternative to the Electoral College?

Another 15 legislatures with varying degrees of Republican control would also need to ratify such an amendment for the Electoral College to be removed. However, a constitutional amendment is not the only means by which an alternative to the current Electoral College can be implemented.

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What happens if there is no majority in the Electoral College?

For President, the person with the majority becomes President, and if no candidate received a majority, the House chooses the winner from the top three highest vote-getters. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President becomes Vice President, and in the case of a tie the Senate selects the winner.