
What happens to Vestara Khai?

What happens to Vestara Khai?

Vestara was a member of the strike team sent to recover Ship and kill Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, but the Sith were defeated by Skywalker and his son, Ben. The team’s sole survivor, Vestara fled to the planet Dathomir, where she sent a message to her Tribe and lived under the protection of the Dathomiri Witches.

Is revan a Sith or Jedi?

In Legends, Revan was a Jedi Knight who broke away from the Jedi Order, became a Dark Lord of the Sith, and formed a Sith Empire that waged war against the Order and the Galactic Republic.

What happens to the Lost Tribe of the Sith?

As a result of its conquest, the Lost Tribe gained access to a large and wealthy continent which had substantial industrial base and was rich in lumber. This enabled the Sith to develop a large fleet of wooden sailing ships which replaced the dangerous airships as the planet’s main mode of long-distance transportation.

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Are there any female Sith Lords?

The term “Sith Lord” generally encompassed members of both sexes, although some female Sith such as Lumiya, Tahiri Veila, Olaris Rhea, and Vestara Khai were styled Sith Lady.

Is Dawn of the Jedi into the void canon?

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void is a canon Star Wars tie-in novel in the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi comic series.

Is Jar Jar a Sith Lord?

George Lucas has reportedly stated that Jar Jar Binks was originally intended to be an undercover Sith Lord, but the Force user theory has been tossed back and forth between Lucasfilm and fans. While there are only ever two Siths, Jar Jar could have been the third hiding in Palpatine’s shadow.

Who is Vestara Khai?

The Force-sensitive female Human Vestara Khai was born on the remote planet Kesh in 27.5 ABY to the Sith Saber Gavar Khai and his non- Force -sensitive wife, Lahka Khai. The world was home to the Lost Tribe of Sith, the descendants of the survivors of a group of Sith who had crashed there in 5000 BBY.

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Why did Vestara stay with the Jedi?

Vestara nevertheless remained with the Jedi for their mission to eliminate the Sith on the planet Coruscant. She hoped to ensure the destruction of the Tribe’s High Lords, who were duty-bound to kill her for Taalon’s murder.

How did Kesh become a tyro?

She became a Tyro in the planet’s local Sith Tribe in 37.5 ABY, and after being contacted by the Sith Meditation Sphere Ship in 41 ABY she was apprenticed to Lady Olaris Rhea. Ship helped the Tribe travel offworld and form a new fleet, but in 43.5 ABY Ship deserted Kesh, following the call of the dark side entity Abeloth.

How did Vestara get to the monolith?

However, by 45 ABY, Vestara, under her alias Savara Raine, was in the employ of the Columi brothers, Craitheus and Marvid Qreph, who hired her to access a monolith in the Chiloon Rift. Using her Force powers, she was able to open a space–time-warping gate, granting access to the monolith.