
What if Jupiter was close to Earth?

What if Jupiter was close to Earth?

If Jupiter were as close to Earth as the moon, our planet would become one of the gas giant’s moons. Its gravity would also bring volcanic destruction to Earth.

What if Jupiter collided with the sun?

As Jupiter made its way to the sun, it would disrupt the orbits of all the other planets, and possibly destroy them, as well as the asteroid belt.

What would happen if Jupiter stopped spinning?

As Jupiter made its way to the sun, it would disrupt the orbits of all the other planets, and possibly destroy them, as well as the asteroid belt. By the time Jupiter got to the sun, the entire solar system would have become unstable. In short, the entire solar system would be destroyed.

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What happens when Jupiter is destroyed?

This puts them in Jupiter’s orbit and unable to reach Earth. Without our giant protector, Earth would be hit by a lot more asteroids. But it’s possible Earth would get hit by a couple of big ones, enough to destroy anything that would be evolving on the planet, and maybe enough to destroy Earth itself.

What if the Earth was swallowed by a black hole?

Our atmosphere would start to be vacuumed up. And then huge chunks of the Earth would rip apart and follow suit. If Earth managed to fall into the orbit of the black hole, we’d experience tidal heating. The strong uneven gravitational pull on the Earth would continuously deform the planet.

Can an asteroid destroy Jupiter?

They burn up in the Jovian atmosphere, and possibly explode. In any case, their material becomes permanently part of Jupiter. If an asteroid is made of very dense material, like iron, the destroyed asteroid will eventually sink into the inner layers of Jupiter.

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Will the Sun destroy Jupiter?

Jupiter will continue to orbit the Sun as it evolves into a red giant. Although the solar wind will be much much more powerful, it won’t have a significant effect on the overall mass of Jupiter. When the Sun loses its outer layers it will, in the last million years or so of its life, lose about half its mass.

What would happen if you tried to jump into Jupiter?

If you attempted to jump into Jupiter wearing a standard space suit, it’d be over for you pretty quickly. First of all, you wouldn’t even make it to the planet. Roughly 300,000 kilometers (200,000 miles) from Jupiter, radiation would penetrate your suit and you’d die.

Is the Earth about to hit Jupiter?

The Earth has been hurtling towards Jupiter for the past 242 days, and now it’s about to make impact. Now we’re so close to the giant planet that it’s the only thing that fills our sky.

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How much time would we save if we lived on Jupiter?

According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time passes slower in a gravitational field. This is known as gravitational time dilation. Kerstin – Being near a massive object makes time move more slowly. So on Jupiter, the big boy of our solar system, how much time would we save? On Facebook Aik suggested a hundred years.

Could Jupiter collide with another planet?

One way that scientists could find answers would be by looking into the past, because this wouldn’t be the first time that Jupiter has collided with another planet. Nearly 4.5 billion years ago, Jupiter was involved in a violent collision with a planet ten times the mass of the Earth.