
What is dimensional tiering?

What is dimensional tiering?

Dimensional Tiering is the idea of tiering a character based on their spatio-temporal status, more specifically based on what dimensional level they exist in.

What makes a character 4 dimensional?

First and second dimensional qualities – Physical and external features. Third dimension qualities – Emotions, thoughts, attitudes and spirituality. Fourth dimension qualities – Time. Their past history, the present and the future.

What is the highest dimensional tier?

Tier 1: Higher-Dimensional:

  • Low Complex Multiverse level: 6-dimensional characters.
  • Complex Multiverse level: 7-dimensional, 8-dimensional and 9-dimensional characters.
  • High Complex Multiverse level: 10-dimensional and 11-dimensional characters.

What dimensional being is Goku?

Right now Goku is a 4-dimensional being.

What does 12d mean in anime?

So it is intended as a description of a higher, superior, higher-dimensional existence, beyond conventional reality. 12-dimensional characters are an infinite number of times greater than a full complex M-Theory multiverse, 13-dimensional character are an infinite number of times greater than that and so onwards.

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What is a 3 dimensional person?

A three dimensional character is basically a real person, someone who thinks, reacts, learns, struggles, and overcomes. Think of your life and how it molded you, how people have affected you, and you them.

What is a 3 dimensional character?

We often call good characters “three-dimensional.” Three-dimensional characters are complex and unique, with fully developed fictional lives. This makes them seem like real people. Underdeveloped characters are called “flat” or “cardboard” for a reason. They don’t engage our emotions.

Is Goku a 6d?

If we asume for the sake of this question that Goku is in fact 6d, or 7 d, any cosmic astract would dominate Goku. An aspect of reality has nigh infinite control over its realm of power. You would need to have an insane level of existence to match such power far beyond Goku.

What is scaling in anime?

Powerscaling is the method of determining a character’s power through comparing them to other characters in their series.