
What is GCE persistent disk?

What is GCE persistent disk?

Persistent disks are durable network storage devices that your instances can access like physical disks in a desktop or a server. Persistent disks are located independently from your virtual machine (VM) instances, so you can detach or move persistent disks to keep your data even after you delete your instances.

What is GCP equivalent of EC2?

As mentioned before, in AWS, the compute service is called “Elastic Compute Cloud” (EC2). The virtual servers are called “Instances”. In GCP, the service is referred to as “Google Compute Engine” (GCE). The servers are called also called “instances”.

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How is GCP better than AWS?

While Google Cloud Platform beats AWS on price and flexibility, AWS scores better in terms of global reach, providing significantly more data centers around the world. Further, AWS is adding new data centers at a faster rate than Google.

Which type of GCP disk resource provides the best IOPS and throughput?

Extreme persistent disks ( pd-extreme ) offer consistently high performance for both random access workloads and bulk throughput. They are designed for high-end database workloads, such as Oracle or SAP HANA. Unlike other disk types, you can provision your desired IOPS.

Which statement is true of persistent disks?

[ ] Persistent disks are always HDDs (magnetic spinning disks). [ ] Once created, a persistent disk cannot be resized. Persistent disks are encrypted by default. (Persistent Disks are not physical disks, they are a virtual-networked service.

What is persistent disk in vmware?

Disks in persistent mode behave like dependent disk mode except all data written to a disk stays permanently even you revert back a snapshot. For example you have added a new disk to a virtual machine and you want keep all data permanently even in the event if reverting back the snapshot.

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Will GCP overtake AWS?

Azure and GCP are persistently working to overtake AWS and reach the top of the cloud providers list. Azure and GCP have their own set of strengths. Azure cloud is suitable for several organizations working on MS tools as it allows easy integration of MS tools with Azure cloud.

What is S3 equivalent in GCP?

If you’re familiar with AWS, Google Storage is GCP’s version of AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) and an S3 bucket would be equivalent to a Google Storage bucket across the two clouds.

Which of the following is used to automate the creation and management of resources in GCP?

Google Cloud Deployment Manager is the native GCP tool you can use to create and manage GCP resources, including Compute Engine (i.e., virtual machines), Container Engine, Cloud SQL, BigQuery and Cloud Storage. Now, you can use Deployment Manager to create and manage projects as well.

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What is the difference between GCP console and cloud shell?

What is the difference between GCP Console and Cloud Shell? – Cloud Shell is a locally installed tool, while GCP Console is a temporary virtual machine. The GCP Console is a graphical user interface and Cloud Shell is a command-line tool. Both tools allow you to interact with GCP.

How many disk types are in VMware?

VMware has three different disk types — raw, thick and thin — and they each allocate storage differently. VMware virtual disks aren’t one in the same.