
What is something special about France?

What is something special about France?

France is the largest country in the EU and sometimes called the hexagon. France is the largest country in the European Union, covering a total area of 551,695 square kilometers. Around a third (31\%) of France is forest and it is the fourth most forested country in the EU, after Sweden, Finland, and Spain.

What is France called by the French?

France in French: more facts! The official name of the country is ‘The French Republic’ (République française).

Why is France so important?

Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the Alps and the Pyrenees, France has long provided a geographic, economic, and linguistic bridge joining northern and southern Europe. It is Europe’s most important agricultural producer and one of the world’s leading industrial powers.

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What is French the language of?

France/Official languages

What are 3 interesting facts about France?

Fun Facts About France

  • France Is the Most-Visited Country in the World.
  • France Is Smaller Than Texas.
  • France Has the Largest Art Museum.
  • The French Eat 25,000 Tons of Snails Each Year.
  • France Produces Over 1,500 Types of Cheese.
  • Supermarkets in France Can’t Throw Away Food.
  • France Had a King – That Lasted Only 20 Minutes.

Why France is the best?

One of the reasons France keeps winning the ranking is its world-class health care system, which Dupouy just experienced first-hand. “Its (France’s) tiresome bureaucracy and high taxes are outweighed by an unsurpassable quality of life, including the world’s best health care.”

When was France first founded?

September 22, 1792

Following the aftermaths of the Revolution of 1789 and the abolishment of the monarchy, the First Republic of France is established on September 22 of 1792.

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Why is France named France?

The name France comes from Latin Francia (“land of the Franks”). Originally it applied to the whole Empire of the Franks, extending from southern France to eastern Germany.

What are the French best at?

As well as quite a few other things the French do superlatively well.

  1. Cheese. Yes, it’s a cliché but France remains the ultimate destination for cheese lovers.
  2. Shopping.
  3. Museums.
  4. Trains.
  5. Traffic jams.
  6. Politeness.
  7. Sexiness.
  8. Luxury.

Where is French a first language?


No. Country Continent
1. DR Congo Africa
2. France Europe
3. Canada North America
4. Madagascar Africa

How old is French?

The linguists tell us that Old French started in the 8th century AD, before it was Vulgar Latin.