
What is the controlled variable in a paper airplane experiment?

What is the controlled variable in a paper airplane experiment?

Because we only used one piece of 8×11 paper for each paper airplane, the controlled variable was the plane’s weight and the size of the paper used. Our independent variable was the style (and the weight on the nose and tail based on the style) and the paper airplane’s wingspan.

What variables can affect the flight of a paper airplane?

The weight of the paper plane also affects its flight, as gravity pulls it down toward Earth. All of these forces (thrust, lift, drag and gravity) affect how well a given paper plane’s voyage goes.

What is the hypothesis for a paper airplane?

The hypothesis was if the design of the plane was different, then it will change the distance each plane flies.

What affects the distance of a paper airplane?

The size and shape of its wings, particularly the main wing, affects its performance. A lightweight plane with large wings glides well but travels slowly, while heavier planes with smaller wings travel more quickly and cover larger distances.

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What is a controlled variable in science?

A control variable is a variable or an element which is held constant throughout an experiment or a research in order to assess the relationship between multiple variables. A control variable is the factor that ensures that the test results can be compared fairly and that they aren’t skewed.

What is a dependent variable in science?

The dependent variable is the variable that is being measured or tested in an experiment. 1 For example, in a study looking at how tutoring impacts test scores, the dependent variable would be the participants’ test scores, since that is what is being measured.

How does changing the type of paper affect the flight of an airplane?

A: Like all things that fly, there are 4 forces of flight that act on a paper airplane, thrust, weight , lift and drag. The larger the paper airplane the more it will weigh, the more it weighs the more lift will be needed to keep it flying. The longer lift is generated the further the paper airplane will glide.

How does mass affect the flight of a paper airplane?

Changing Mass In the same way a rock that is thrown pushes its way through the air as compared to a cotton ball, a paper airplane with more mass flies faster and farther than a paper plane with less mass, up to a point. If the mass is too great, the wings can’t hold the plane in the air.

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Which paper plane flies the farthest experiment?

Drag, lift, weight and thrust – this need to be in balance for the plane to fly (Scholastic 2014). From the results of testing design number 2 flew the furthest with both the plane launcher and people throwing it.

What are the physics of a paper airplane?

Paper airplanes are subject to the same physics as any jet you see in the sky. The forces of thrust, lift, drag, and gravity all work together to send your homemade aircraft flying. To understand how these forces work to create flight, think about movement: something has to push that plane forward.

How does the type of paper affect a paper airplane?

The type of paper used can affect its weight and the amount of friction that exists. How the plane is designed can also vary tremendously. The design of the wings, body, nose and tail can all drastically change the way the plane flies.

How does the design of a paper airplane affect the flight?

The larger the paper airplane the more it will weigh, the more it weighs the more lift will be needed to keep it flying. Eventually weight will become greater than lift and the paper airplane will descend to the ground. In addition the larger the paper airplane the larger its wings can be.

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What are the variables of paper plane?

Variables Independent: The type of Paper Plane to be used. Dependent: The distance travelled by each airplane. Controlled: Type of paper, Size of the paper, Environment to be thrown in.

What are independent and dependent Paper Planes?

Independent: The type of Paper Plane to be used. Dependent: The distance travelled by each airplane. Make three different paper planes. (Go on the videos tab to learn how to make these paper planes.) Give them a name so the you can distinguish them later.

How do you make a paper plane?

Make three different paper planes. (Go on the videos tab to learn how to make these paper planes.) Give them a name so the you can distinguish them later. Stand at a flat surface and mark a circle around you with a chalk. Cut some sticky tape and tape the measuring tape in front of the circle . Throw one plane in the air.

What keeps a plane in the air?

Although you’ve identified some great designs, you might still be wondering about the physics that keeps the plane in the air. The answer to this is force, which is a push or a pull on an object. Four main forces act on planes, lift, gravity, thrust and air resistance. Lift is a force that pushes up from under the wings, holding the plane up.